super lemon haze HELP


switched my lights 2 weeks ago, yesterday top of my plants were drooping and looked a little brown after lights being on for half hour leaves perked today the have gone a lot lighter and look more burnt, the plant in general looks pretty good, this is my first grow and am a total newb but i love this plant and grew it from 1 single seed i had please any help would be greatly appriciated



Well-Known Member
Complete guess here but maybe heat burn from the bulb? Look similar to my SLH when i got the hps too close. With all the stretch i had to move my lights up a little daily. Rest of the plant looks gd. Got a journal of my grow floatin about if it might help, loads of picts


thanks lilindian always keep my lights about 15" from top of plants with fan blowing across the tops, i did notice i had quite a big temp drop when lights were off, could this cause this. also is it just best to leave the leaves or remove them thanks.


The leaves would not appear or be burnt from the lack of extreme heat to them.. if it was some kind of nutrient burn/ ph you would see effects comming from the bottom.. your problem is above the plant bud

Edit: Imo i wouldnt remove the leaves for the simple fact that they can absorb any shock that could possibly happen and u would have a chance to see it... Unless they are completely dead then yeah get rid of them


possibly not the lights were to close... but either way u have a heat issue at the top of your canopy.. U either need better cooling up there or move the lights up.. moving it more will make them stretch but thats better than frying them


Well-Known Member
A big temp difference between lights on/off shows ur bulb is heatin up ur environment quite a lot which supports the heat issues argument. Explains why u only see problems near the top of the plant. I cut off all damaged leaves or fingers, trying to preserve as much healthy leaf as possible. Damaged leaf tissue isnt gona do much, and trimming it off helps u to see if the problem grows or continues.