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  1. C

    average yeild

    I had 5 plants on my last grow and ended up with 25 ozs. That's from a 4x4 flood and drain with 1000 watts.
  2. C

    OG Kush first time growing (need some tips)

    It's ok to bump. IMO the main advantage to supercroping is maintaining a somewhat level canopy. This allows a larger number of bud sites to enjoy maximum exposure to light. Supercroping combined with Topping and LST can allow one plant to have dozens of exposed buds sites. You've got a healthy...
  3. C

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    fdd......GREAT thread.....Thanks in advance. Here's my WW.....what do u think?
  4. C

    can ya post your ww

    Here's my WW..... can you tell how much more time till harvest?
  5. C

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    fdd......GREAT thread.....Thanks in advance. Here's my WW.....what do u think? DSC01050.JPG DSC01064.JPG DSC01051.JPG DSC01056.JPG DSC01062.JPG DSC01052.JPG DSC01061.JPG DSC01054.JPG DSC01060.JPG DSC01048.JPG
  6. C

    Harvesting..... How much longer for these????

    First let me say that without the information and assistance given to me by the organization I would never have been able to bring this plant to fruition....THANK YOU!!!! Now I need help with determining when to harvest. First the details: White Widow / 400w HPS / Has been flowering for 9...
  7. C

    Hydro Harvest ..... How much Longer???

    First let me say that without the information and assistance given to me by the organization I would never have been able to bring this plant to fruition....THANK YOU!!!! Now I need help with determining when to harvest. First the details: White Widow / 400w HPS / Has been flowering for 9...
  8. C

    How much Longer?

    First let me say that without the information and assistance given to me by the organization I would never have been able to bring this plant to fruition....THANK YOU!!!! Now I need help with determining when to harvest. First the details: White Widow / 400w HPS / Has been flowering for 9...
  9. C

    Difficulty Determining Harvest Time......What do you think????

    First let me say that without the information and assistance given to me by the organization I would never have been able to bring this plant to fruition....THANK YOU!!!! Now I need help with determining when to harvest. First the details: White Widow / 400w HPS / Has been flowering for 9...
  10. C


    I've got 3 beautiful WW moms that have performed great! I have taken almost 50 clones from them and over the course of this year have harvested some GREAT bud. They are vegging under a bank of T5s and have outgrown the space I have for them. I REALLY want to flower them but the fact that they...
  11. C

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I've got 3 beautiful WW moms that have performed great! I have taken almost 50 clones from them and over the course of this year have harvested some GREAT bud. They are vegging under a bank of T5s and have outgrown the space I have for them. I REALLY want to flower them but the fact that they...
  12. C


    I've got 3 beautiful WW moms that have performed great! I have taken almost 50 clones from them and over the course of this year have harvested some GREAT bud. They are vegging under a bank of T5s and have outgrown the space I have for them. I REALLY want to flower them but the fact that they...
  13. C

    Tragedy Strikes First time grower!!!!!!

    BTW This is a hydro set-up with drip on the moms and flood and drain on the flowering.
  14. C

    Tragedy Strikes First time grower!!!!!!

    Question # 3 What can be done to salvage this damaged plants? Should I flower them? Keep them for clones? Please HELP!!!! QUESTION #4 Is any of the leaves from thes plants worthy of smoking? Do they contain THC? Hate to throw away a buzz....THOUGHTS?
  15. C

    Tragedy Strikes First time grower!!!!!!

    First let me say thank you to all the members of this site for sharing their intellectual property, without which I would have never undertaken an attempt to GMO. THANKS!!! I have three white widow mothers and in my first attempt to clone only got 2 survivors which are now in their third week...
  16. C

    new guy here need some help please

    Read, Read, Read.........Everything you need to know is right here at RIU
  17. C

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Is there anyway to determine the sex of a plant without flowering it? How? THANKS