Tragedy Strikes First time grower!!!!!!

Chronic Czar

Active Member
First let me say thank you to all the members of this site for sharing their intellectual property, without which I would have never undertaken an attempt to GMO. THANKS!!!

I have three white widow mothers and in my first attempt to clone only got 2 survivors which are now in their third week of flowering and doing great. (I was totally amazed at the growth rate tripling their height in such a short time.) I am using Technaflora nuts in recommended doses and temp, RH and PH are spot on. These plants are currently 48 inches tall with about 20-25 nice bud sites each.
QUESTION #1 : How much additional height should I expect before harvest?
QUESTION #2: Once I run out of space what advice can you provide regarding bending and tying these?

Now for my tragedy.....My mothers are big and bushy. Again thanks to all the information gleen from you and RIU I am pleased with my success. The tops of the girls were pressing up against my 48" T8's so I was attempting to move the fixtures up to their maximum height. One of the fixtures fell and broke the tops out of 2 of the mothers. Of the total 38 inches I lost the top 12 inches

Chronic Czar

Active Member
Question # 3 What can be done to salvage this damaged plants? Should I flower them? Keep them for clones? Please HELP!!!!
QUESTION #4 Is any of the leaves from thes plants worthy of smoking? Do they contain THC? Hate to throw away a buzz....THOUGHTS?


Active Member
Did they break completely or split? if they split use duct tape it works sometimes if they die clip them off and keep growing consider it a late top :) good luck!
I can't answer question one because I don't know if you are flowering or still in veg. As for number two you can bend plants in some pretty amazing ways. Also, if your plants are far from the light they are going to get tall to reach it, if they are close then they will stay squat and rotund assuming adequate lighting. Third: you can almost always prop up a non-severed branch and it will continue to grow with a knot where the bend happened. You may want to consider taking as many clones as possible and just make new mothers. Number four: If you don't see THC crystals it's only going to give you a headache.