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  1. B

    HELP!!!!! HPS Vs Running flowers

    I have five ladies going at the moment. One in particular is out growing the rest in the way of vertical growth. They are all at 34 days of flower and are under some intense HPS lights. Now, the tallest girls buds look as though they are running rather than forming compact buds. This plant...
  2. B

    All my plants have Buds growing out of the leaves!!!!!!

    Hey guys. Ive got some more pics-
  3. B

    All my plants have Buds growing out of the leaves!!!!!!

    No. Nothing special about this grow. The plants are 71 days old total, 33 of which on a 12/12 lighting regime. The lights have been constant during this time with no freaky interuptions/changes or what not. They are grown in a 4 x 2 area closet. The system i use is an NFT which they quite like...
  4. B

    All my plants have Buds growing out of the leaves!!!!!!

    Thanks for the reply. Its been good to have such a good response already from this site (i think i will be a regular here now). Thanks DST and if you can get some pics, that would be great. In the meantime, i will try to get some better/more pics of these budding leaves. What has been more...
  5. B

    All my plants have Buds growing out of the leaves!!!!!!

    Well. Right now i have five plants going and have a bunch more clones. Next grow i want to try the SOG method. Unfortunatly, this will mean i will need to drill out the channels top lid to get more sites going for the clones. I am up in the air about it right now. I am not sure what will yield...
  6. B

    All my plants have Buds growing out of the leaves!!!!!!

    Owe, that was a detail i forgot to mention. Cuttings have been taken and are being kept alive in a DWC system ready to be put straight to flower when the mothers are finished. Here is a pic where i am at now at day 33 = =
  7. B

    All my plants have Buds growing out of the leaves!!!!!!

    Not sure. I got the seeds some 15 years back from a vacuumed sealed bag of the dankiest shit i have ever smoked. I have grown the same shit ever since> She always gives me a dozen or so seeds at harvest. I am thinking it may be from Thai genes as on this latest grow, i saw and removed some male...
  8. B

    All my plants have Buds growing out of the leaves!!!!!!

    Hi guys/girls. I am a newbie here (to this forum). I do frequently use a similar site and have got a simillar thread going there. Found this site so i thought i would regester here and post this new thread (as well as others i am sure) to see what response i get. Heres the deal. My five...
  9. B

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Well, this is interesting finding Aussies on this site. I am actually a newbie here but i am a regular to the opositions site, (GC). Cant say i have ran into ant from down under there
  10. B

    Bud growing out of leaf? No Joke!

    Hey buddy. I have got this shit goin on right now on bassically all of my five plants. Now, i am a newbie to this site but i have been a regular for a little while on the oppositions site, GC. I have a thread going over there now with regards to buds growing out of my fan leaves. I am not sure...