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  1. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Thank you for posting, this is basically what I have been doing and unfortunately, with the strain I have they just grow all over each other and some plants actually die off. 9 is working fantastic right now. 16 even seems like its too many for me with this strain. I do appreciate the advice...
  2. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    I have taken into consideration many of the opinions given. I have 1 light with 9 plants, topped a few times covering a 5x5 area. I have some smaller plants covering the same sq footage, but there are 16 and 25 of them. So I am trying different configurations out. To be honest I really like...
  3. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Your calling me a joker? For selecting a strain that is known for producing? Come on man, have some class. I wouldn't insult you like that but then again, I have class and tact. I would help you out if I thought I could. Please don't post in this thread anymore if your going to insult people.
  4. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Thank you Bob for answering for me. I am talking purely about flower time, as most of us are. I can veg for however long it takes, I have a separate room for that. Usually its anywhere from 4-8 weeks depending.
  5. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Amen, thank you! This is exactly what I am trying to say. I have been growing for quite some time. I have battled temperature issues, humidity issues, mites, thrips, nutrient lockouts blah blah blah. I am not a complete newb grower. I have also tried a simple 10-30-20 fertilizer along with...
  6. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Thanks anyway but its not really for me. Besides, I seem to be having a tough enough time mastering soil growing.
  7. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Cool thanks for the tip. I have never heard of anyone talk about needing them before, but as I said before I am trying to learn. As a balance between light coverage and intensity I keep my lights roughly 18 inches from the top of the canopy.
  8. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    By the way thanks for linking me to that site, its great. I like that bucket system, it looks amazing (not for me but cool to see).
  9. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    I think he was being sarcastic when he said "well that clears it up for us".
  10. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Lets be clear that I am not arguing with you in any way. I have read many of your posts and know that you have lots of experience and you are very knowledgeable. I also know that there are different ways of doing things and no one is right all the time. I am here strictly to learn and better...
  11. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Cool tubes, bulbs roughly 6 months old, horizontal hoods.
  12. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Summer time I absolutely run A/C. I also have cool tubes vented out of the room. I read the info you posted about saturation levels, and I realize that you said to stay just under the saturation point. I would have to get my hands on some type of a meter to be sure on this? Sounds like where...
  13. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Point taken. However, I thought it was understood that we were talking about 1 gram per watt over an 8 week period. In other words, 2 lbs off of a 1000 watt hps in 2 months. I think everyone else understood what I was getting at when I asked the question.
  14. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    lol, everyone else DOESN'T do it. I have temp and humidity meters in my room. My humidity rises as much as 10-15 points in the summer time taking me well out of range. And if your using A/C, how does it make sense to pull hot humid air in? Common sense would dictate that sealing the room...
  15. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    I have a light right now with 9 plants in 3 gallon pots, roughly 2 feet tall, and topped twice. They are literally bushes but when spread out over 25 sq ft they don't touch at all and they look nicely spaced. There is at least 8-10 tops on each plant. I am hoping that with the current setup...
  16. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    So if your pulling air in from the outside right now it would be ice cold. If I completely changed my air 4 or 5 times per hour, my room would be ice cold because my lights are vented. And in the summer time if I bring in air from the outside its 90 F and as humid as it could be. Not exactly...
  17. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Good to have you in the thread, anything you can add would be great. I'm trying a few different combinations this time around. I have a 5x5 in 3 gallon pots, 4x4 in 3 gallon pots, and 3x3 in 3 gallon pots. All of these are spread to cover a 25 sq ft area. Time will tell what works the best...
  18. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Good call I'll have to do a little work on that. So far everything is going well, I'm just about to start flowering and all the plants are good and healthy. Had a thrip issue but I dusted my plants and soil with diatomaceous earth and I see no more damage. Really amazing stuff that I sort of...
  19. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Some interesting ideas here with the light flip flop, not sure its applicable in my situation, I would say dialing in my room is priority number one right now but thank you for putting out the idea. This thread has tons of really good info in it, not just for me but many other people.
  20. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Thank you for all of the advice. I actually already have an ec/ppm meter so I'm good there. I'm a numbers guy so I would want a meter to check ph, just because but I hear you that it isn't necessary, like I said it helps me sleep at night lol. The pit falls of soil are numerous for sure...