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  1. happywun28

    babies turning much light?

    for some reason i cant upload pics now. i used to be able to. i dont know if something changed about it. but my leaves are big and yellow, no spots just some are green and some are yellow. some that have green on them have yellow leaves and vice versa. some leaves are drying and curling up and...
  2. happywun28

    babies turning much light?

    anyone? anyone?
  3. happywun28

    babies turning much light?

    i have 3 week old babies, very healthy roots, after they showed roots i put them under 650 watt light about 31/2 feet away with a fan blowing inbetween, first time cloning, and i need to know was that the wrong thing to do? there about 3 to 4 inches tall. i just put them under less light.. are...
  4. happywun28

    Leaf tips turning brown and yellowing!

    pic 2 looks like spider mites, also your pics 3,4,7, look like nutes, iron or phosphorus. get some florotmite, and spray your plants, those mites are very quick to destroy. then you may want to start buying a few different mite killers , cause they usually get used to the chemicals and if you...
  5. happywun28

    what is wrong?

    they look fine... babies have a tendency to get a little yellow, watch the heat above them as they can get burned easy, those are still quite small.
  6. happywun28

    think I might have spidermites but not sure

    there are different kinds of spider mites, some are white, some have spots, some are red...any way get floromite on evay for about 25 bucks, ive had them a couple times, neem doesnt do anything but make the leaf look shiney...dont waste time or money...floromite!!!
  7. happywun28


    we had a ballast fall off the wall onto our plants, luckily we heard it, the plant split in half, we just left it alone and it was fine, still grew, a little wierd but still got alot off of it about 4 weeks later.!!
  8. happywun28

    wtf is a cola?

    colas are the the bud part when its in flower, if the buds )colas) are small, you will end up having small buds if there huge then there huge buds! :)
  9. happywun28

    major problems, leaves are dying like crazy! please help

    i tried to upload them and now there not showing anyone else having problems with pic?
  10. happywun28

    major problems, leaves are dying like crazy! please help

    ph is 5.5 , i think thats pretty normal, we have hard water here but we use stuff to soften it.
  11. happywun28

    7 Foot Plant Broke!! [Lost a foot of top] PLEASE HELP!!

    sorry it took me so long to it wont die, and yes you can smoke it!
  12. happywun28

    major problems, leaves are dying like crazy! please help

    i thought i downloaded pics..where did they go....
  13. happywun28

    major problems, leaves are dying like crazy! please help

    we are in veg, my mother is yellowing and dropping leaves, we found thrips and aphids and took care of them, we thought that was the problem, then we stopped using nuts for about 3 weeks, and flushed them, now back to nuts for 1 week and nothing has changed...not sure what to do now. leaves have...
  14. happywun28

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    i think i have white flies..there only around the rim of the pot of my blue dream mother, noone is flying yet, it seems to have aphids also, how do you get rid of them? ive had so many problems with pests, im about ready to give up, this summer its just been bad HELP!
  15. happywun28

    Spider mites SUCK! No Pest Strip?

    ive tried all of those things, i had spider mites for months cause i didnt want to use the floromite, but after lots of money and time, i went to the ebay and bought some and sprayed it on, and boom there gone....i will never use anything else again, it was a waste of time and money when i could...
  16. happywun28

    What's wrong with my plant??? white spots, holes, yellowing, wilting.....

    because you grow outdoors it could be from the sun, a little burning, or it could still be the spider mites, they really mess up the look of the leaf. look underneath your plant leaves with a magnifying glass, spider mites are easier to see that way, it doesnt look like nut burn at all to me...
  17. happywun28

    um i never seen this before...yellow spots on the top and bottom?

    a couple of my mother plants and new babies, have this like wierd yellow like bug droppings on the underside of my leaves, the top leaves have the yellowing in the same place towards the bottom of the leaf...its not spider mites, cause ive had those and i know what that looks like. cant figure...
  18. happywun28

    7 Foot Plant Broke!! [Lost a foot of top] PLEASE HELP!!

    we actually break our plants on purpose, they form nodes and keep growing, since they are a weed they dont die like a regular flower. we can spread a plant out, or we tape it together and it grows back together.
  19. happywun28

    7 Foot Plant Broke!! [Lost a foot of top] PLEASE HELP!!

    heck ya smoke it!! throw it in the microwave for about 15 sec. then blow on it till its dry.
  20. happywun28

    What's wrong with my plant??? white spots, holes, yellowing, wilting.....

    it looks like bugs, catapilers, probably looks like there eating the crap out of your plants...