7 Foot Plant Broke!! [Lost a foot of top] PLEASE HELP!!

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
ok so i have a major issue my 7 foot tall plant seems to have broke and i have lost about a foot to a foot and a half of the top. what i have done is cut the top off leaving around 5 foot of plant, JUST WONDERING...will my plant die.
this is my first grow and this would be a total fucking bumber if it died on me.

heres some photos of the damage, and of what i lost. (Ill post pictures of the plant tomorrow sometime)
keep it green,, and please comment im honestly really pissed off.. :evil:




Well-Known Member
It will stop growing for a couple days while it recovers from the shock but other than that it will be fine. You'll see black stuff coming out where the break was on the plant, don't worry that's normal.


Active Member
Cut the buds off, throw them in some butter and simmer on very low for a few hours... Strain and make some cookies! Tasty!!

Your plant will be fine just let her grow.....



Well-Known Member
dont quit try dude.....give it nutes/mollasses..you still have 5ft to work with, still a large plant and a fair harvest to the end.

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
im not quitting im just hoping it will survive a break that severe,,
ill check her out after school today and take some photos of the actual plant for you guys


we actually break our plants on purpose, they form nodes and keep growing, since they are a weed they dont die like a regular flower. we can spread a plant out, or we tape it together and it grows back together.