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  1. N

    Ive never had this problem please help!!!!!!!

    Thanks guys ill see if i can keep them going....
  2. N

    Ive never had this problem please help!!!!!!!

    Need some help these plants are between 2 and 3 months old just growing at a super sluggish pace... and now ive been having dead leaves every morning please help
  3. N

    4.5 ounces of keif shake

    What will happen if i use 4.5 oz in 1pound of butter???
  4. N

    multi potted transplant...Help!!!

    I have a couple clones that are multi potted and want to transplant they are about 3 months and i have one pot with 2 plant and another with 3 what should i do keep them together or separate???
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    outdoor grow in cali

    i want to start outside seed straight in the ground will the low tempatures effect the plants
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    outdoor grow in cali

    looking to do a complete outdoor grow from seed when would be a good time to start
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    clone help!!!!

    when i clone my plant will the clones all come out the same sex even if the mother plant is not determined yet
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    true organic

    is it possible to go thru a full grow without using anything but water
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    miracle grow

    shud i just follow instructions or shud i use less or more it says one tbl spoon in one gallon on water and how often???
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    miracle grow

    starting a new grow outside when the weather clears up dont wanna use alot of chemicals i was just wandering if i cud go through the whole grow using just water and miracle grow plant food
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    LIght Helppppp!!!

    where can i buy a multiple socket strip
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    My Butter Won't Solidify

    when i took my butter out of the fridge and tried to pour the water off the butter went with it the pieces that did survive disintegrate to the touch and are very grainy... What went wrong???
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    50 grams

    but this is shake do the same rules apply
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    50 grams

    want to make my first batch of brownies can anyone help and tell me if 45 grams of shake willbe enough to make butter for a batch
  15. N

    from seed to sprout FASSSSTTT

    thanks guys i will post pictures to keep you updated on how this plant is doing
  16. N

    from seed to sprout FASSSSTTT

    all i want to know is if it is healthy to gro that quick i mean we are talking in like the course of about 11 to 12 hours
  17. N

    from seed to sprout FASSSSTTT

    i just started my first grow last night i did not germinate i just planted them and watered but when i woke up this morning i already had sprouts..... i was just wondering is this a good thing or should i be worried