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  1. just blazee

    Pack us up a roasterrr. bongsmilie

    Pack us up a roasterrr. bongsmilie
  2. just blazee

    Great Stoner Quotes

    Whenever i stretch my arms out my ears pop so this one time i was smoking with some mates and i yawned and stretched and i was like 'holy crap i went deaf for a second there...but now i can hear EVERYTHING...i can hear my cat think.' I swear to god i could hear my cat talking hahah shit i was...
  3. just blazee

    Stoner Quotes (add quotes you've come up with!!!)

    I come up with the funniest jokes when i'm stoned. This one time my mate was throwing my phone up in the air and it was flipping and i said "woaah man, i've always wanted a flip phone" i laughed for about 20 minutes :) This other time i had a video camera and i was filming my friend while...