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  1. P

    Drying Box? Input Please?

    about that timeframe too - 4-6 days or there abouts, the plan wasn't for speed, more stealth and keeping the smell under control.
  2. P

    Drying Box? Input Please?

    Its been about 30 hours or so - its still really damp, which is good, slowly drying out. I'll keep checking ever 8-12 hours or so, just to keep an eye on it. Later in the evening I think the plan is to rotate it all, pull the whole lot out and restack it in the bin, I'll check for any signs of...
  3. P

    Drying Box? Input Please?

    One thign lead to another - we had to harvest a little earlier than desired but things seem to be going well. Loaded up the bin, attached a inexpensive filter and ducting. I decided not to hang it in the grow room, the space up in there was getting a bit pushed, especially if I'm trying to...
  4. P

    My 600w HPS First Grow - Comments Welcome!

    Thanks for the heads up! I figured something was going on but wasn't sure what, I've fed them only water for the last 2 feeds. I think the guano I've been using is a lot more potent than I've given it credit for. I'll take some more pics and update, its about due I think.
  5. P

    BlackRoses' Dairy Farm Blue Cheese and Milky Way scrog

    Does it sound stupid to ask if chicken wire heats up under the lights? I'm really considering hooks and string, might just make the squares just a bit smaller than what your running there blackroses. Understanding a lot more about the canopy now, and really what to be looking for during the...
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    BlackRoses' Dairy Farm Blue Cheese and Milky Way scrog

    some guy! +rep I'm just trying to get it sorted in my head before I go running out to buy a trellis or screen. I'm looking at you guys thinking hooks and string might be the best option - works well for you clearly. I had a similar thing in mind for this time around - minus the screen - I...
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    BlackRoses' Dairy Farm Blue Cheese and Milky Way scrog

    Excuse my ignorance - but can you give a little info on the screen its self and the growing? In the video it seems very um, loose? I had imagined the strings to be tight? This might sound like the total noob question but: Do you veg until the plants hit the bottom of the screen - spread out...
  8. P

    BlackRoses' Dairy Farm Blue Cheese and Milky Way scrog

    Hiya BlackRoses Just wanted to comment on your grow, as someone looking to run a scrog on my next run this really looks amazing. Subscribed, looking forward to seeing the progress
  9. P

    My 600w HPS First Grow - Comments Welcome!

    Took a couple of pics just as the light turned off this morning. Buds have really filled out over the last day or so
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    My 600w HPS First Grow - Comments Welcome!

    Took some pics just before the lights were due to go off. Grabbed a snap of the filter and fan setup heh, I'm really unsure if the 120mm case fan is enough, every so often I can smell it - but no one else around here seems to notice anything so maybe its just me. Day 38 of flowering today...
  11. P

    Drying Box? Input Please?

    Only just starting to flush now, I'll keep everyone updated when its in and running From everything I've read it should go okay, I'm considering not using the intake fan and just running the out - have that do all the work, pull air over buds rather than force it in over them
  12. P

    My 600w HPS First Grow - Comments Welcome!

    only a quick update at the moment - things are going really well, I'm considering cutting back on the guano a little, perpare them for flushing in the next week or so I did find out my camera is hopeless at trying to take photos through a loop heh... and that I needed a much higher box...
  13. P

    Butane or Isopropyl

    I've smoked and tried both methods. You would never see a butane brew oil cap here for sale, ever. Its always iso. Most often not even the first rince of the iso either.... For the iso - I would do as homebrewer says - basically fill a container with bud + iso - let it sit and run through all...
  14. P

    My 600w HPS First Grow - Comments Welcome!

    fixed ;) I'm 90% focused on the end game, the other 10? Just enjoying smelling the flowers at the moment
  15. P

    Drying Box? Input Please?

    I do appreciate this idea - I know for a fact that up above the light is around about 70 degrees - give or take given the time of day, just unsure how hot it will actually be in that box once its installed, I can't even test at the moment as the light is jacked all the way up for flowering. I...
  16. P

    Drying Box? Input Please?

    Coming up soon I'm going to need to start drying - my only downside of this is I need to do it in the only room I have a carbon filter. What I've read generally indicates to turn your grow room off aside from fans - hang from roof and wait it out... I'm really wanting to keep the light (HPS) on...
  17. P

    My 600w HPS First Grow - Comments Welcome!

    I should also mention - installed a carbon sock, just a small one and attached a 120mm case fan to it in a way that would make any person with half an idea about airflow cringe.... but still, seems to be doing the job, theres no real smell around the box, just a slight musty kinda smell...
  18. P

    My 600w HPS First Grow - Comments Welcome!

    This brings us to day 34 of the flowering cycle - 25th of May - I'm unsure how long yet - looking for any advice or comments for a first timer.... The Epsom salts are bringing back life and colour to the leaves a little - keeping in mind they have only had 2 feeds with that added so far - but...
  19. P

    My 600w HPS First Grow - Comments Welcome!

    Just over 2 weeks on - 20th of may - in my novice eyes things are going fantastic - I'm noticing a slight yellowing of the leaves - people tell me this is kinda normal under flowing conditions but I'm still slightly worried. Started adding about 3Tbs of Epsom Salts to the feeding. Clones are...