Drying Box? Input Please?


Active Member
Coming up soon I'm going to need to start drying - my only downside of this is I need to do it in the only room I have a carbon filter. What I've read generally indicates to turn your grow room off aside from fans - hang from roof and wait it out... I'm really wanting to keep the light (HPS) on down below with some new plants under veg 24/0...

Got me thinking... and reading... I saw lots of people have tried drying in various heated boxes, I'm not wanting speed as such - just more a dark place for my babies to dry out... I came up with this...

A wheelie bin, flip it so the lid is one of the sides - with some shelving, intake and outtake fans and hooks for attaching to the roof. The plan is, to lower my light and shade down - hang this from the hooks and bungiee cords - turn on the fan and have a dark space, with constant airflow - 70ish degrees F...

Has anyone else done anything similar? How did it work out for you?



I had great success with basically the same method. Except replace the plastic box, strings, and fan with paper grocery bags on the floor of the grow box. I would imagine it's hotter than 70F above the HPS unless your exhaust fan is excellent and intake air is quite cool. Rather than lower the light you could raise the new veg plants on a stool or something, freeing the floor for paper bags drying your buds...near the floor, in the shade, close to the cold air intake.


Active Member
Rather than lower the light you could raise the new veg plants on a stool or something, freeing the floor for paper bags drying your buds...near the floor, in the shade, close to the cold air intake.
I do appreciate this idea - I know for a fact that up above the light is around about 70 degrees - give or take given the time of day, just unsure how hot it will actually be in that box once its installed, I can't even test at the moment as the light is jacked all the way up for flowering. I like the idea of a stool or something, and I do have something I could do that with. My only hesitation with doing this is would the light not go straight through the paper bags?


Active Member
Only just starting to flush now, I'll keep everyone updated when its in and running

From everything I've read it should go okay, I'm considering not using the intake fan and just running the out - have that do all the work, pull air over buds rather than force it in over them


Active Member
One thign lead to another - we had to harvest a little earlier than desired but things seem to be going well.

Loaded up the bin, attached a inexpensive filter and ducting. I decided not to hang it in the grow room, the space up in there was getting a bit pushed, especially if I'm trying to fit a huge bin in there on the roof as well...

after 12 hours of running, things are still looking great, slowly drying out. I'll keep checking it ever 8-12 hours - see how the progress goes and update as I can "_



Well-Known Member
great job on that... i wouldnt have done the fist idea. this is what i do at each harvest. that way if you keep in bags you won't get mold. may dry a little fast but you can cure longer to get out the extra nutes and chloriphyl
I like it to atleast take 6days for my buds to dry or it really impacts the quality

How fast are you planning on this box drying it out ?

cool idea ...real curious how it works out for ya! hope it goes well


Active Member
Its been about 30 hours or so - its still really damp, which is good, slowly drying out. I'll keep checking ever 8-12 hours or so, just to keep an eye on it. Later in the evening I think the plan is to rotate it all, pull the whole lot out and restack it in the bin, I'll check for any signs of mold but its like the artic in there at the moment, about 8 degrees C and extremely dry, I doubt that will be an issue at all just yet.


Active Member
I like it to atleast take 6days for my buds to dry or it really impacts the quality

How fast are you planning on this box drying it out ?
about that timeframe too - 4-6 days or there abouts, the plan wasn't for speed, more stealth and keeping the smell under control.