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  1. projectpat88

    can anyone tell what's wrong with my plant from this pic?

    This is my power kush that im growing indoors in soil. Its in week 3 of veg and the new leaves that are forming look fuked up! My PH has been a little low lately so i have been flushing them out, could this be a cause of over watering? I've got a few on the go and every things looking good so...
  2. projectpat88

    i accidentally left my lights on for 3 weeks straight

    lol i didn't refresh the page! thanks for your advice kevin, its greatly appreciated!
  3. projectpat88

    i accidentally left my lights on for 3 weeks straight

    i was in the veg stage, they've been growing for 3 weeks but have had no darkness! i've switched them to 18/6 but i want another week or so of veg, will they start to flower now from the light change?
  4. projectpat88

    i accidentally left my lights on for 3 weeks straight

    All i can say is fuck a million times! I’ve only just realized my timer hasn't been cutting in so my plants haven't had darkness for over three weeks! I’ve been growing a few kush and haze seeds indoor for the last three weeks and im now seriously worried that their not going to grow to their...
  5. projectpat88

    need help!! my cuttings are flowering way to early!!

    wow if the Icelandic volcano is to blame thats mad!! Thanks for the help looks like their going to be chilling by the porch light for the time being! So im taking it i just keep giving them their veg growth food as normal? I also read that a good nitrogen feed will also trigger them back in to...
  6. projectpat88

    need help!! my cuttings are flowering way to early!!

    HELP!! im growing some cuttings outdoor in southern spain and their starting to flower way to early! They've been growing outdoors for about a month now an were coming along nicely until last week when we were hit with some bad weather!! It got cold and rained non stop for a few days and where i...