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  1. R

    help pls.

    ok so i have a purp plant that has been budding for a while now and i have started to notice these little flies showing up in the room..they look like fruit flies. i haven't notice any problem yet, but i would really like to know if they could possibly pose a problem?
  2. R

    not bugs, but definately pests Deer and raccoons HELP!!!Plants GONE

    i take a leak on every once and while around my garden but i have also put hair around my plants and that really can use any kind..human, dog, cat, ect. its always worked for me
  3. R

    when should i start to have some floweres????

    I live in south east united states...middle Georgia to be exact.
  4. R

    when should i start to have some floweres????

    Ok, so i started an out side crop around the first of may and i was wondering when should i start to have some flowers appear?
  5. R

    Show everyone what your growing outside

    here are mine. they are like 3 or 4 weeks
  6. R

    my babies! out side crop (first outside grow)

    by the way they are 6 weeks old..maybe 7 weeks
  7. R

    my babies! out side crop (first outside grow)

    this is my second grow but my first outside grow.. i done all the research and studied growing for about 2 years before attempting anything so tell me what you think...
  8. R

    my opinion of growing with bag seed most people say that growing with bag seed is not really good cause you dont really know what you got or what your sex will be. well I have been a smoker for quite some time and a grower for about 2 years and since i started growing I have found that bag seed is not quite that bad, except...
  9. R

    help imn so fucked

    opps i meant to say CANT go checking up on them every day.
  10. R

    help imn so fucked

    shit dude i would put them so far away from where you and your friend scoped out and just tell him that you pulled the plants up...THIER DEAD...MUHAHAHA...oh yeah...ummm any way..i would also slap the life out of dudes little brother and if the cops come around just HAVE THE...
  11. R

    Kush plant from a bag seed

    OMG i never thought it possible but just a regular bad seed shocked me when i come to find out it was a kush plant...just some extra love and care and KUSH is what i got!!! AWSOME!
  12. R

    2 large plants w/ no sex, 1 small female?

    they have got to have 12/12 lighting or they will never trigger to flower. since its summer right now and they are out side then they will continue vegging till fall.
  13. R

    Best & Cheapest place to grow?

    since you are growing indoors....the best thing you can do that is the cheapest way to go is lots of tin foil and CFL's (compact floresent lights). you should need about two 65 watt CFL bulbs per plant. cool whites are best for the veg state or the daylight bulbs..then for flowering you are...
  14. R

    my ganja look like there dying need help first timer grower.

    ok dude key thing.....TO MUCH FERTILIZER! you can over water a plant but for first timers thats pretty easy to do and over time you will find the perfect times to water your plant(its kinda like a rutine you will get into)...but remember that plants do obsorb most of their water through their...
  15. R

    First timer here...need advice!

    ok just think of it as a natural process. so yeah you can veg the plants longer for a slightly bigger crop but most people usually go with whats natural. 4 to 5 months for veg maybe 6. and for flowering go with about 8 to 10 weeks since its an indica strain. hope this helps.