my ganja look like there dying need help first timer grower.

hi thank you for replying to this i need to know what wrong with my babys they have been looking sick there about 2 week old but growth is slow and i over water in the begin and feed them miracle grow all purpose plant food 24-10-16 the leaf is dying and they becoming yellow temperature is like 80 to 90, humdity outside is right these plant are from seed from a good bag of ganja .if need more information we can exchange aims thank you for your time in help me have a good one keep burning .DSCN0624.jpgDSCN0630.jpgDSCN0631.jpgDSCN0632.jpgDSCN0621.jpgDSCN0636.jpgDSCN0620.jpgDSCN0633.jpgDSCN0635.jpgDSCN0623.jpgDSCN0637.jpgDSCN0628.jpgDSCN0629.jpgDSCN0634.jpg:joint: love and respect .


Active Member
hi thank you for replying to this i need to know what wrong with my babys they have been looking sick there about 2 week old but growth is slow and i over water in the begin and feed them miracle grow all purpose plant food 24-10-16 the leaf is dying and they becoming yellow temperature is like 80 to 90, humdity outside is right these plant are from seed from a good bag of ganja .if need more information we can exchange aims thank you for your time in help me have a good one keep burning

I dont have great experiance but i think its the neuts your using miricle grow seems like the wrong choice! most veg neuts have values like 3-1-3 and your using 24-10-16 which is burning the leaves. Also the soil is important as if that also has neuts in then this will only add to the already high levels of NPK.


Well-Known Member
its not dead but it is hurting. you gave it too much nutrients too early

it could come back but you should get some more seeds going just in case they dont pull through
ok dude key thing.....TO MUCH FERTILIZER! you can over water a plant but for first timers thats pretty easy to do and over time you will find the perfect times to water your plant(its kinda like a rutine you will get into)...but remember that plants do obsorb most of their water through their leaves, so if they are not out side you need to keep them misted. every morning and night. now temperature you need to watch...anything above 85 is usually to hot unless they have been started and grown OUT SIDE the WHOLE time then your plants will adapt to the high heat of the summer. now back to the fertilizer...if you are using a potting soil that has fertilizer in it then you dont need to fertilize just yet. most potting soils will feed your plant up to three months. after about three months then you should start to use a i have worked with maricle grow before and it has a tendency to "Burn" your plants which is what seems like is going on with yours. so BACK OFF with the fertilizer for a while. just give them straight water about every 7 to 10 days and see how they do...after they make a full recovery then you can fertilize...but induce the fertilizer very slowly...just giving them small doses every other watering and gradually work your way up to a higher dose of fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
remember that plants do obsorb most of their water through their leaves this is false, if this were true why then would a plant need a root system

and the plant is not dead as of yet. chances of survival are slip but the plant still contains life


too many nutes way too early. you should flush em out just use normal water with no nutrients thats what i did. and you should transplant them now cause if u wait too long the roots will entangle with the roots of the other plants and rip off when u transplant them.