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  1. crud

    Magnetic vs Digital Ballasts.

    ordered 2 1000w and 1 400w digital greenhouse systems from htgsupply a while ago and have not had issues at all with heat, noise or the aesthetic beauty of the ballasts. during the mondo heat and humidity wave we had a few weeks ago, the ability to dim the bulbs saved my ass from the...
  2. crud

    Video Game Addiction-Need Help, serious addiction

    im a vid junkie too, been gaming my whole life ever since pong. The worst decision i ever made was when i was a teen and decided to play Diablo, that led to ultima online , which led to acherons call, which led to everquest, and then landed me at the feet of the biggest waste of time...
  3. crud

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    cool! thanks epix
  4. crud

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    sweet! thanks man one more Q.....muhahahaa........what mm is your corrugated sheets? ive found 2 4 6 10 mm thickness. every jump in mm is like a 10 buck per sheet increase.
  5. crud

    Cloning(AKA: What did I do wrong)

    they have anti-wilt spray at the hydro shops, but why spend $$ for something not needed. mae is spot on. get a dome, theyre like a buck or 2
  6. crud


    light stress does that sometimes. make sure that your room is 100% light proof and they get a full uninterrupted 12hr dark cycle. if youre golden on the light issues then its a grab bag of things. giving more detailed info on your op through the plants life will yield more...
  7. crud

    Yikes!! monster in the loft

    get more roof! :hump: seriously tho, my brothers and I had a very similar issue back in the day in our parents attic. a 9 foot monster pressing against the skylight. we took the girl and transplanted it inside a small tote, we cut a groove on one side of the tote and laid the plant on...
  8. crud

    beginer who jumped in the deep end

    if your room is sealed very well airflow-wise buy 5-10 lbs of dry ice and put it in your room, turn off the exhausts and give it 2-3 hours. anything that breathes oxygen will be (hopefully) dead by then. and your plants will be like WTFFF WOOOOOOO BAYBAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
  9. crud

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    the stuff you recommend, Peters Pro Blossom Booster is water soluble. Does this mean i can use it in 5 gallon DWC buckets or an aero setup? soil only?
  10. crud

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    pics are broken. unsticky
  11. crud

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    haha! jackpot! found the sheets at a custom sign store. thanks man good stuff. one more question. on the veg and flower units where the pump hose connects to the grow jug from the rez. how is that all working? in the pix it looks like its 4-5 inches from the sprayer line...
  12. crud

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    man i cant find that corrugated plastic anywhere that isnt in a little 1 ' x 1' piece. ive tried all the various home stores, various marts and hobby stores. any hints out there besides ordering it online?
  13. crud

    over 90 degrees

    i lol'd lets stuff... try banking against the heat with a shitload of milkjugs full of water frozen all around the room, ice bottle in your rez's also try to visualize how the air flows in and out of your home, not just your room, and try to place box fans...
  14. crud

    pizza guy asks me if im high

    i do it for the tips, 100-300 a day if the planets align. i dont really care to talk about it anymore because its a moot point. i get it. youre a cheap ass piece of euroshit who doesnt tip and im a stupid entitled american. gg
  15. crud

    Fu#@ the man trying to keep you down!!!

    hang in there man. lifes a roller coaster lotsa up and downs
  16. crud

    pizza guy asks me if im high

    lol no. id rather give the money and the food and be done with it, no one needs to get hurt over trivial stuff. i defended myself after i was shot in the back just after leaving a delivery to a hotel and the other was when i got stabbed, i barely got my pistol out and fired before he...
  17. crud

    pizza guy asks me if im high

    i was just drawing the comparisons between a mom and pop and a corporate chain when it came to wages,delivery fees and such for those who didnt know. im know im getting screwed by dominos but what are you gonna do when there are literally 10000 apps dying for a job (22% unemployment rate in my...
  18. crud

    pizza guy asks me if im high

    i am a pizza delivery driver. I work for 2 different franchises. dominos and a mom and pop pizza house giordano's dominos pays me a wage of 5 dollars an hour, requires me to have full coverage insurance using my own vehicle and fucks the customer and the delivery drivers by taking a...
  19. crud

    Inline fan ?

    use insulated ducting and the fan noise will be a non-issue. its the buffeting air not the fan itself making all that racket