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    Ak47 1000watt juss read all the posts and read what the lucas guy has to say and let me know what you think
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    Ak47 1000watt

    also u should mess around with other nute companys and see wats around i always see newer grows using the foxfarm line as so did i but theres so much more out there not that foxfarm isnt a good line but i dunno i use Flora nova grow, root excelerator, liquid karma and cal mag for vegg and flora...
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    Ak47 1000watt

    hey bro i havent been on much but ur plants look good and yea if the plants leafs are droopings and the heat is normal that means they need to be feed and the more into flowering they get the more they eat... since ur in soil i recommend sticking your finger to see if the soil is dry and if so...
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    Ak47 1000watt

    looks like lack of water or heat r u in soil or hydro and dont forget flowering plants eat more
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    White Widow Max and Red Dawg Third Grow (All Advice Is Welcome)

    the white widows are growing well there way bigger now i will have picks up soon
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    Ak47 1000watt

    are the pics updated in ur old post they look like it but then again my short term memory sucks i wonder wh y ...but if so you got some time to go i cant stress enough dont harvest early. but yea u will know when trust me and u can try to guess ur yeild but unless u have grown the strain before...
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    Ak47 1000watt

    thats good that you cut the under growth and saw the difference i always do and thats good that you got a fan for them that is very important and next time you will have it for start to finish its important not juss to push out the old air and bring in fresh co2 but it makes the plant strengthen...
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    Nutes After Flushing

    nute burns normally are on the tips of your leafs is that wat you mean cuz yellow spots on leafs can be a sighn of something unless but if you do have the tip burns that over feeding causes then you are right flush your plant like you did and when you start again start at the 1/4 strength your...
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    wilting plants! please help!

    sounds like you are over feeding to me i grow in both rockwool and clay balls aswell and unless u have massive flowering plants i dont see why you would need to feed it that much....but u did say you lowered the feed amounts so with out a pic thats as far as i can help
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    White Widow Max and Red Dawg Third Grow (All Advice Is Welcome)

    new pics will be posted soon i am transfering them into net pots filled with clay balls
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    Ak47 1000watt

    an yea post pics wat nute line uj use sorrry i am on my ps3 if u alrdy posted it
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    Ak47 1000watt

    even if u dont want clones cut the bottom branchs that r not getting much light so the plant will use its energy on the tops u lose alittle yeild but u gett bigger better tops which r ur main yeild....and with topping u do increase ur yeild i have a purple kush plant a week away from harvest and...
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    Ak47 1000watt

    you can only put your light as close as the heat will allow you what i mean by this is doing the hand test but unless you have somthing keeping the light cool your juss going to do more harm with the heat then benifit of the light being near the plant....and have a thermomiter sitting by your...
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    Ak47 1000watt

    to bad you rushed them in to flower Ak-47 is a heavy heavy yeilder if you give it some time in veg and top them right but either way they look good you should still get a decent yeild did you take any clones if not you still can unless you dont wanna grow that same strain. if they turning light...
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    White Widow Max and Red Dawg Third Grow (All Advice Is Welcome)

    sorry i dont have the best camera right now but bad pics are better then none i guess....ok i will start off with the widow there 4 days old right now this inculdes germ time and sprout time these are the fastest seeds i have ever grown I put the seeds between two paper towls before i went to...
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    White Widow Max and Red Dawg Third Grow (All Advice Is Welcome)

    Sorry I also forgot that i also use liq Karma From start to finish i got it free so why not right
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    White Widow Max and Red Dawg Third Grow (All Advice Is Welcome)

    Also if you ever think about ordering white widow max from just be careful you will get them no matter were your from and there great looking seeds but after i put my order in for the white widow max they tried to charge me two more times each one being a higher price if i didnt...
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    White Widow Max and Red Dawg Third Grow (All Advice Is Welcome)

    This is my first grow journal but not my first time visiting this site. All Advice is welcome so plz feel free to comment. I hope ppl can learn something from my grow or that i can learn something from you. :joint: I have White widow max 10 seeds.....8 sprouted just waiting on 2...