White Widow Max and Red Dawg Third Grow (All Advice Is Welcome)


This is my first grow journal but not my first time visiting this site. All Advice is welcome so plz feel free to comment. I hope ppl can learn something from my grow or that i can learn something from you. :joint:

I have 420-seeds.com White widow max 10 seeds.....8 sprouted just waiting on 2 more

I also have this Red Dawg from seed that i got from the clinic i go to in So cal when i asked what are the strains its cross with he said no clue he guesses Red Diesal and Chemdawg but when i look it up online i cant find the strain anywhere i havent even seen it in any clinics around here so i was juss wondering if any one knows about this strain..... the plant does looking amazing tho longer build with short phat indica looking leafs so apart of me feels its juss chemdawg or mainly chemdawg being more of a indica looking strain.

Pictures of all the plants will be up shortly

My Set up is and Ebb and Flow hydro system with a 600 watt hps light but as soon as my Purple kush i have flowering is done which is about one week i will have another 600 watt hps before my next grow goes in to flowering.

As far as nutes go i use the Lucas Formula which i thought was well known but when i talk to grows out here in the so cal they say they have never even heard of it.

the lucas formula is 8 ml Floranova bloom and 5 ml Calmag from start to finish.

yes i already know atleast one person is going to say they cant see how you can use one formula from start to finish i get it alot of here but i have used Fox Farm for my first grow and the lucas formula for the secound grow of mys to compare and let me tell you thats the lucas formula blows away fox farm nutes line. My grow with the lucas formula hade faster flowering time higher yeilds and more resin. I do use two additives Humblot Root excelorator in Veg and Gravity in the start if the last 3 weeks of flowering. So what i am saying is you dont need to spend 400 dollars or euros or what ever you use on nutes they juss pull you in with there great addvertisment. spend 100 on nutes and it lasts me 2-3 grows so if your on a low buget like me i highly recommend this formula its doesnt cost much and as long as you do everything else correct you end up with buds juss as good or better then most other fert lines.

well my goal is to mother the Reddawg out because i only have one and with the white widow max i plan to grow them out cut clones to mother a couple and for future grows then flower them out.

this is my first time with both strains so advise would be great if i am not mistaken white widow is a nute senstive strain and with the reddawg i just have to feed light and increase with each watering till i see nute burn on the tips.

So please feel free to comment... pictures will be posted as soon as possible so you can see the white widow and maybe some of you will agree with me about the reddawg looking like a mainly indica strain based of the leafs. but then again who knows i have grown super sliver haze and the leafs were fat like indica.

PS. Sorry for any mistakes in spellings i am high as fuck and dont feel like proof reading any of it :hump:


Also if you ever think about ordering white widow max from 420-seeds.com just be careful you will get them no matter were your from and there great looking seeds but after i put my order in for the white widow max they tried to charge me two more times each one being a higher price if i didnt catch on they would have added around 180 dollars more in charges for seeds i didnt even want. so if you do order from there they have good seeds and prices but watch out for them trying to add more seeds to your order with out telling you.


sorry i dont have the best camera right now but bad pics are better then none i guess....ok i will start off with the widow there 4 days old right now this inculdes germ time and sprout time these are the fastest seeds i have ever grown I put the seeds between two paper towls before i went to bed the next morning 7 of them were all ready cracked I planted them in all ready PH balanced rockwool and by night time the biggest one was all ready poped out of the rockwool the other doing the same the next day tho they look alittle tall the stems all ready is starting to look like its geting stronger there doing good still waiting on two more to pop out of the rockwool one was planted with the rest and hasnt poped out yet and the other one was planted a little later then the rest and i am still waiting on two more seeds one is cracked alittle juss giving it aliitle more time before planting and the other one isnt cracked at all and doesnt look like it will but i have had seeds crack a week later then the rest and they turned out juss as good as the rest so i will give it more time there under a 17 inch flora light for a bit before i will put them in my grow room........ and to the Red Dawg which is the one that is all ready a bit bigger then the widow seedlings its been looking a little down when i took the pics but is doing better now its growing slowly but i also think its roots maybe taking all the room up in the cup alrdy so i am going to the hydro store today to get a bigger pot....but if i am not wrong the red dawg looks like a indica strain right


Active Member
doomer whats good bro. I decided to stop by and say high. LMAO. ummm looking good like the start up. Maybe get the light a little closer cause it looks like they are more focused on stretching then growing wide. Everything else looks good. Keep me updated bro.