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  1. adulicny

    Coco Growing but what is best nutrients for it

    house and gardens coco ive seen the best results with
  2. adulicny

    Anyone ever try using a Topsy Turvy?

    i have been wondering if that worked for a long time!
  3. adulicny

    Gaahhh Spiders

    The brown recluses have a red spot on there belly
  4. adulicny

    two 27watt 5500k cfl or one 68watt 2700k cfl

    The 27 watt lights are fine for now, get 2 Y splitters and put 2 27watts above each plant.
  5. adulicny

    First Outdoor Grow, 2010

    how old are they?
  6. adulicny

    First Grow - How's it lookin'?

    looks good to me
  7. adulicny

    what strain thrive good under high temps?

    sour diesel is considered to be a plant that thrives in real high, dry temperatures.