Anyone ever try using a Topsy Turvy?


Well-Known Member
That would be pretty cool man. the plants would have to have the lights under them i guess but i dont see why it wouldnt work.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking more like beside them. Only real downside I see if that they are expensive (about $10 a piece)


Well-Known Member
Get one and you'll see even more downsides. They don't even work well for tomatoes or peppers. Breaking limbs and stem rot being the most common.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Very nice Dr. G. Someone actually did it. Fuckin awesome.

Sock monkey gives 1 thumb up.
hahaha! :lol:

thank you. if I had the chance, I'd do it again. not huge yields or anything, but it was pretty cool nonetheless :joint:

and if you don't mind, I'm gonna keep that sock monkey pic, lol. I love it.


Well-Known Member
I posted a thread about a month ago of one from High Times Pix of the Crop section.... Dank, fat nugs....

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
the nuggz off of this one was dank and nice and tight. it was a 90 day wonder. from seed to harvest in 90 days. it was a random seed from my seed stash. I started it of in a small pot then transplanted it into the turvy when it grew to about around 10 inches. didn't even know the sex at first, just put it in there hoping it would be a female.