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  1. M

    Harvesting Indicators?

    Thank you thank you..... I was always told that white pistils mean an impatient harvest
  2. M

    Harvesting Indicators?

    So the microscope says 1/3 clear, 1/3 cloudy, 1/3 amber, which I take as 1 week to chop for a good 50/50 [couch/head] high. But both the Big Bang & Grapefruit Diesel have vibrant white pistils. Is it ok the harvest when pistils are white if the trichomes are correct or what????
  3. M

    making the photoperiod switch?

    I have 1 violator kush, 1 white berry, & 1 ak-48 @ 3 weeks veg. They are all about 12" tall and I just started the dark period this morn... Has anyone noticed a difference between 24 hrs & 36 hrs dark to induce flower? These are all femmed so I should be good on sexing, fingers crossed...
  4. M

    making the photperiod switch?

    I have 1 violator kush, 1 white berry, & 1 ak-48 @ 3 weeks veg. They are all about 12" tall and I just started the dark period this morn... Has anyone noticed a difference between 24 hrs & 36 hrs dark to induce flower? These are all femmed so I should be good on sexing, fingers crossed...
  5. M

    Have to read this is a cc of letter to norml lawyers.

    First off... dadio161 is a douche bag!!!! Now on to the real issue. Bosejammin, sounds to me like the polyaddictive nature of your makeup would dictate that you abstain from all inebriants until you are able to address whatever the root cause of your disfunction is. I am the first to advocate...
  6. M

    On a Gel?

    It is not an air freshener. It actually is a mini carbon filter that plugs into a standard wall outlet [fan included]. Febreze True Air look it up!
  7. M

    Febreze True Air?

    Anyone have any experience with the Febreze True Air carbon filter fan combo that plugs into an outlet?
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    On a Gel?

    if you have access to Walmart [who doesnt] there is a product called "febreze true air" essentially a compact carbon filter fan combo that plugs into any outlet. I have a 4' x 6' closet with : 1 ak-48, 1 whiteberry, & 1 violator kush and with 2 of these febreze carbon filters [approx. $15 ea] &...
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    trying to avoid airy buds

    using 16000 lumens of CFL 6500k for veg -- and 250 hps cooltube for flower === due to being an enclosed cabinet of 20 sq ft I dont think I can handle a 400 watter...
  10. M

    trying to avoid airy buds

    My last grow was light and fluffy due to elevated heat..... My current grow of AK-48, White Berry, & Violator Kush is up and running, seedlings have broken thru & first leave sets are out... The temp is a steady 84 degrees on 24/0 -- will this be ok for 4 weeks of veg?? By the end of 4 weeks...
  11. M

    looking to switch to HPS

    So I have been on the CFL route for awhile, & plan to veg my violator kush, white berry, & ak 48 with cfl's this go round again.... do the 70W or 100W HPS [medium base] provide enough juice to cover flowering?? What are the down falls here? I ask because it seems a no brainer to not have to...