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  1. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    then i know what im fucking doing next week lol, my mate took some early and it didnt taste very nice but im not sure if thats because it wasnt dried properly or because it wasnt ready????????
  2. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    wont that stress the plant? you know more than me! lol, i love ssilver mmmmmmm. you are lucky!!!!!! im just about to get some g-13 its really nice!
  3. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    hi everyone, time for this weeks update! still no decent pics as saving money for my next project but my friends gonna lend me a camera before i harvest so their will be decent pics! I think she will be ready in 3 to four weeks, im gonna flush for 2! Also iv just started a blue cheese bag seed...
  4. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    il look at your journal later mate.
  5. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    im waiting on some cheese and ak40lemon 200 an oz takes the piss!
  6. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    thanks mate i was gna let it go 9 or 10 weeks! cant bloody wait! hows your chiesels going? when you gna do new pics?
  7. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    Hi everyone this is my chiesel at the start of week 5 flowering. Iv got 5 more weeks to go already she stinks! there is already quite alot of trichomes arount the bud sites, shes on biobizz and gna now use pk 13/14 to pack some weight on for the next 3 weeks then flush for 2 weeks! hope...
  8. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    ok mate indoors with cfl 125 blue and 125 red and outside when its nice! im gna try and get another 125w red to finish!
  9. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    hi peeps, i know i know shit pics still! i still have problem with my camera software! I think im gonna have to buy a new one! anyway heres my bitch after 2 weeks of flowering.
  10. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    that looks like some very nicely grown chronic! nice buds man, i wish u lived local and sold! all your bud looks lovely! youve inspired me to grow pineapple chunk for my next grow. im gna do 10-20 plants.
  11. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    thanks man so am i! how are u getting on with those little feckers? i will put new pics on 2moz it is doing nicely!
  12. pengaleng

    realy man, im in essex u close?

    realy man, im in essex u close?
  13. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    yes mate, wow! that pinaple looks so tasty! good work, il be watching your chiesel grow, good luck!
  14. pengaleng

    No-more half assed journels

    well done mate il be watching your journal, keep up the good work!
  15. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    thanks mate thats handy to know il do that 2moz! have you just got chiesel or do you have others aswell?
  16. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    oh yeah im sorry mate im useless with computers lol, the gnat off doesnt start to work for 24 hours. I have heard good things about the product! hope we both manage to get rid of those root munching fuckers!
  17. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    right, time for this weeks updadte. This is the second week of flowering and apart from gnats all is well. i need to get a new camera! this is on my phone so sorry about pic quality i will get a new one! im going to flower for about another 7-8 weeks, i cant wait!
  18. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    finally my gnat-off has arrived time to get rid of the last off them fuckers! im going on a fungus gnat rampage mwa ha ha ha ha!
  19. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    thanks man i do put it outside when its nice weather but bring in when its lights out! i hope your grow goes well too man, safe
  20. pengaleng

    cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow

    just checked on my plant and i have quite a few fungus gnats, the little barstards are eating roots as i speak! i have had to get some gnat off. Has anyone used this product before and had good results? apart from the gnat problem everything is going great! a lot of hairs and growth appearing!