cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow


Image016.jpgImage013.jpg hi everyone its that time of the week again! she doesnt look too different but she has grown 3 inches in a week and has pre flowers! im having problems with my digi cam at the mo but will be better pics when sorted! i noticed a small growth with 2 whitehairs coming from 1 top, the next morning 3 tops had them! cant wait to see them after another 7-8 weeks of flowering!


Well-Known Member
Alright Peng, good to see your baby's are Girls! Their doing some fast growing, good genetics the Cheese and the Diesel. Ive just started a new journel running with Chiesel so its something like your grow! Their gene's are Big Budda Cheese x Soma's NYCD so you can imagine the flavors giong on with this one! Cant wait, only smoked it once before in the Grey Area Coffeeshop and it was real nice man!


Well-Known Member
What a stupid arse! I just noticed yours IS Chiesel too, "how stoned am I", just thot you had one of each NYCD and Cheese! lmfao


just checked on my plant and i have quite a few fungus gnats, the little barstards are eating roots as i speak! i have had to get some gnat off. Has anyone used this product before and had good results? apart from the gnat problem everything is going great! a lot of hairs and growth appearing!


Well-Known Member
good luck with those gnats, i am also on my first grow and just sorted out some spider mites... good luck with your plants man, too bad you cant flower em outside...


thanks man i do put it outside when its nice weather but bring in when its lights out! i hope your grow goes well too man, safe


finally my gnat-off has arrived time to get rid of the last off them fuckers! im going on a fungus gnat rampage mwa ha ha ha ha!


right, time for this wImage015.jpgeeks updadte. This is the second week of flowering and apart from gnats all is well. i need to get a new camera! this is Image029.jpgon my phone so sorry about pic quality i will get a new one! im going to flower for about another 7-8 weeks, i cant wait!Image021.jpg


Well-Known Member
Alright Peng! How Did you get on with that Gnat Off? Im having same trouble man and went to go buy the same product yest but were out of stock so going back tomorow, would be great to here how it works out though? I will be posting my second week pic's from my own Chiesel later on, Still cant work out how to put a link up? so if you can help me wi that to it would be great mate!


Well-Known Member
P.S I know if you put a couple-2or3 inches of sand covering your top soil, that will get thoes Gnat's away too! They cant get through it! My little Bro done it as he only had the one pot to deal with and they were all gone in a week or so! Ive got too many pots to deal with so going to do the sand thing after i use some real killing shit on them first!


oh yeah im sorry mate im useless with computers lol, the gnat off doesnt start to work for 24 hours. I have heard good things about the product! hope we both manage to get rid of those root munching fuckers!


Well-Known Member
yes mate, wow! that pinaple looks so tasty! good work, il be watching your chiesel grow, good luck!
Thanks, and the Pineapple is something else! mind let me know how you get on with that "Gnat Off", and keep up the good work yourself!


Well-Known Member
Alright Peng, How's it growing? Just to say i'm glad you'r Gnat Prob. Is finally going! Keep up good work. g/j.


thanks man so am i! how are u getting on with those little feckers? i will put new pics on 2moz it is doing nicely!


Well-Known Member
Ive used the sand which seems to be controlling them just now, but got put on to this other product from th US from another UK grower and it kills everything! So going to order that tomorow. I will be updating my Chiesel grow tomorow, their doing ok, one is a bit of a runt compared to the other but will grow ok!