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  1. C

    outdoor grow in AZ

    well i guess thats good news. it's been in the low 90's the past couple weeks, and it's cooling down but here in phoenix our winters aren't too cold. We get freeze warnings once and a while, but not till late november early december.
  2. C

    outdoor grow in AZ

    i live in phoenix arizona, and i started a seed about a month ago. my question is... will the plant have enough time to grow and bud before it gets too cold? i'm growing outdoor, and the current temp right now is 92 F. thank you
  3. C

    Hair Follicle Drug Test... HELP!!!

    heres the deal with that... i've shaved the pits, pubes, legs, arms, and thats basically all for body hair other places don't offer sufficient amounts of hair. i'll still do nose cuz i read that somewhere. BUTTTT... i smoked my last J, then got my hair cut pretty short the next day and...
  4. C

    Hair Follicle Drug Test... HELP!!!

    so i purchased Zydot Ultra clean, but unfortunately i'm pretty sure it's not going to work because from what i've heard the testing centers wash the hair removing the ultra clean.... my last time was smoking was exactly 2 weeks ago I'm now looking into Toxin Wash about $70 and Omni Cleansing...
  5. C

    First indoor grow... good setup?

    ok then for 4 plants fitting in that small area what wattage would you suggest, and i know the sups should be higher, i just finished throwing all the shit together, and my seeds are still germing so theres nothing in the cups.
  6. C

    First indoor grow... good setup?

    i'm using part of my computer desk as my grow room :) i wanted to keep it as basic as possible so i'm just using soil and cups. inside the closet i taped white printer paper all around rather than spray painting... i'm using a 75 watt CFL bright white light... will this light be good enough?
  7. C

    First grow.

    plants not lookin so good today, the uppers stem seems very limp and leafs aren't looking too good. possible over watering. it also rained while i was at school so it got hit kinda hard.
  8. C

    Hair Follicle Drug Test :(

    got my hair cut pretty short today, and i officially quit smoking till after my test. i'm hoping to get at least 1 more hair cut extremely short again before my test. in the mean time i'm using a cleansing shampoo i bought from a beauty supply store, and on the day of the test i will use the zydot.
  9. C

    First grow.

    i'm still not sure weather it's a male or female though. when should i start seeing the characteristics to determine the sex. about how long? i'll also try to get bigger pictures
  10. C

    First grow.

    i let it sit outside under the sun all day, and at night i put it under 2 40 watt CFL's. i actually can't remember how old it is, i planted it as a joke not expecting it to actually grow. but now that it has it's become my favorite thing to read about and research
  11. C

    First grow.

    does it look alright so far?
  12. C

    Hair Follicle Drug Test :(

    anyone else tried the Zydot Ultra Clean?
  13. C

    In and outdoors

    haha no my current plant is still growin, but my dads already taken 1 plant that barely even popped out of the soil. NATMOON - lol i live in phoenix Arizona, i have no local woods. in fact all there is is buildings, homes, or desert, which forces me to grow from home. :(
  14. C

    Hair Follicle Drug Test :(

    and thanks for everyones input so far! much needed.
  15. C

    Hair Follicle Drug Test :(

    i knew i was gonna have this drug test, however up unitll the interview i was expecting it to be a pee test.... then during the interview... "call me back if you're still interested, and you'll have an extensive hair follicle test, and the rest of the new employee work." after i heard her say...
  16. C

    Hair Follicle Drug Test :(

    i'm pretty tight with the lady who cuts my hair so i'll ask her. you think it'll work?
  17. C

    Hair Follicle Drug Test :(

    i smoke everyday lol... i bought the ultra clean stuff, thinking about buying 2 to be safe. the ultra clean is supposed to be ia hair stripping shampoo, at least thats whay it says it does, takes off the outer layer and cleans the toxins inside. do you think the beauty shop brand is stronger or...
  18. C

    Hair Follicle Drug Test :(

    so i have to take one for a job i pretty much have, but this test is standing in my way... i bought a box of Zydot Ultra Clean, it's suppost to break down the outer wall of the hair and remove the wastes and detectible shit. so i was wondering if anyone has used this before, and how it did or...
  19. C

    In and outdoors

    haha that day has already come and gone, dad snatched a plant outside my window, but my parents have never said anything about it, they know i smoke, they don't agree with it but don't get mad.
  20. C

    In and outdoors

    i got some decent buds from a friend, and found a few seeds, so i decided i would plant them... I'm 18 and still live my parents, presenting the problem of where to hide my plant. I usually leave the plant outside from 7AM till about 7PM, then once my parents go to sleep i take it into the...