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  1. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    We're moving right along, and not too much longer till chop time, I hope. Looks like the crystals are getting cloudy, which is a good sign, ya? Fed the girls again this morning. I couldn't resist, so cut a small branch from bottom to quick dry and smoke. They're starting to get a bit bare...
  2. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    I had that problem at first. I increased my passive intake by putting a screened vent grill, and, I have a window AC keeping that room real cool. I also jerry-rigged a vent tube to suck air from the hood, and have a PC fan blowing through it on the other side, so this seems to help. So air at...
  3. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    8/8/2010 Day 37 flowering!! Fed the girls today. Jenni's burnt top is starting to get some growth on top, which is nice to see. she's getting pretty fat! The one seed I had is doing amazing. Way bigger than my first time, and so much healthier looking. Will get a pic up some. Looks like...
  4. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Fed the girls this morning. 2TBL BB, 2tsp TB, 3/4 TBL molasses, 3/4 PH UP put the PH at 6.8. Buds keeping getting juicier and prettier. I have to confess, I have been guilty of cutting some of the lower branches and smoking them. I REALLY need to stop and let them develop, but, since I don't...
  5. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Thanks! I watered the girls this morning. put 1tbl of BB, 1tsp TB, and, since I was walking down the isle and saw some molasses, put 1 tbl of that was well...peeps seem to have a lot good to say about it. 1/2 tsp ph up got the ph to 6.7
  6. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Some pics. Jenni was taller than the other two, and is directly under the bulb, so she got burnt up pretty good he other day. Her bud underneath the burn is still fattening up and overall they seem to be doing great. edit: The temp at bottom of cab is 74. up top it is 83,
  7. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Had some heat issues as AC go inadvertently turned off, didn't help Jenni, who's very top of her cola is burnt to a crisp yellow :( Everything underneath that looks ok though. I got the air flowing in again, and crafted some new hangers for the reflector. moved the light up about 1-1.5"...
  8. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    7/27/2010 Day 25 Flowering Fed the girls this morning. 1tbl BB, 1tsp TB. Some of he leaves towards the bottom are yellowing up and falling off at the slightest touch...I'm guessing this is normal for flowering ya? Also, looks like my big girl (middle with largest buds so far) got a bit...
  9. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Fed the girls this morning. 2tsp TB, 2tbl BB, 1/2 tsp Ph UP gets it to 6.6ish. I was hoping to do it yesterday but had to postpone a day. So, here are some pics of the girls. Looking pretty good and about right I think for their age. Played with camera settings some ,hard to get good...
  10. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Thanks for stoppin by Ace. This is my first grow, no advanced techniques at I have no friggin clue. They're crowded in their cab, 34" right now and seem to be holding steady. I really have no idea what to expect...If It gives me enough to smoke while I do another grow, I'll be...
  11. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Filling out! nothing new to report though
  12. W

    white widow, chrystal, bcn diesel, la blanka, blue mataro. hps/mh/t5/& cfls.firstgrow

    I have that chart on my comp too. :) I started with the lights 15" above too, but once I got cooling down, they can get within 4-5" of the 250HPS and really take off when close to the light. subbed.
  13. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Thanks Sir! I'll be watching your grow. lots of lights lol. 7/18/2010 Day 16 Fed the girls yesterday. Still giving 2tsp Tiger and 2tbs big bloom. They were very thirsty, I'm going to have to step up the watering schedule. This morning 33" tall! 3 times veg size already in 16 days of...
  14. W

    Nirvana letdown V.3.0

    Bad luck I guess? I'd buy from them again. First timer here, stuck 8 White Castle seeds into some MG soil with real high ph, all 8 germed, 1 was runty. 3 girls I got going in flower now are gorgeous. What do you mean by V.3.0?
  15. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    The girls keep getting bigger. Looks like some of the buds are starting to form. Fed them again yesterday, with nutes. Havent seen any nute burn or anything else looking bad, so I'll keep feeding them as long as they like it. They take off every time I feed them too. You can see the little...
  16. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Wow, Jenni and the girls are really taking off. 24" this morning, growth of 11" since flowering, almost doubled. I fed the yesterday, same as before, 1/2 str TB and BB, but used PH up to adjust PH rather than tap water this time. Sadly, the Twilight clones are all dead/dying. Only one...
  17. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    So I just checked on the girls to rotate them before lights out for the day, Jenni is 19 inches now....2 inches about in 1 day and a half. wow.
  18. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Fed the girls 2 tsp Tiger Bloom and 1 TBS big bloom per gallon today. Tiger Bloom has a low PH! Raised it with some dolomite lime and tap water to 6.1, we'll see how they like it. a bit worried about the clones, though they look like they're rooting now. It's hard to tell due to the angle...
  19. W

    First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

    Wow, I really am slacking. I should have updated a couple times, and still no pics, but... I fed the the girls once more with 1/2str grow big and big bloom on Wednesday, he girls really love it though I do see a few leaf tips burning up, I think, since they turn yellow then crumble to a...