First grow, 250w HPS to a rough start, let's hope for a great ending

Thanks for stoppin by Ace.

This is my first grow, no advanced techniques at I have no friggin clue. They're crowded in their cab, 34" right now and seem to be holding steady. I really have no idea what to expect...If It gives me enough to smoke while I do another grow, I'll be happy.

Now that I have a decent feel for it, I have a grow tent and a 400W lights on my wishlist, but I dunno if I'll be able to budget it in by next grow.

I took my last 2 seeds and germed them, was hoping to get a mother....but the pots fell as I was carrying them after putting them in soil. Found one of them, but the other is lost. We'll see if it pops out of the pots at all lol. But hey, if nothing else it gives me a good excuse to tell the wife why I need more seeds, and can go with some nicer genetics. :)

I will say, all 10 of the Nirvana seeds I got germinated, though, so I'm quite happy about that. 8 sttraight form soil, and 2 using Paper Towels.


Active Member
ha ha me too man exactly how i feel

thats unlucky with the pots, blazed at the time by any chance? lol:joint:
Fed the girls this morning. 2tsp TB, 2tbl BB, 1/2 tsp Ph UP gets it to 6.6ish. I was hoping to do it yesterday but had to postpone a day.

So, here are some pics of the girls. Looking pretty good and about right I think for their age. Played with camera settings some ,hard to get good pics under that HPS.

It's hard to tell, but the crystals are starting to climb up the leaves, so hot!! I think the nutes are finally getting to her, getting some yellowing tips.



7/27/2010 Day 25 Flowering

Fed the girls this morning. 1tbl BB, 1tsp TB.

Some of he leaves towards the bottom are yellowing up and falling off at the slightest touch...I'm guessing this is normal for flowering ya?

Also, looks like my big girl (middle with largest buds so far) got a bit burnt up at top. Raised the lights and made sure fan is moving the air above it. doesn't look too bad, so I think she'll be ok.
Had some heat issues as AC go inadvertently turned off, didn't help Jenni, who's very top of her cola is burnt to a crisp yellow :( Everything underneath that looks ok though.

I got the air flowing in again, and crafted some new hangers for the reflector. moved the light up about 1-1.5".

I have pruned a couple of the smaller lower branches...and it gets me pretty dang stoned, though only lasts for abotu 15 minutes. The top sites are really showing some great crystals now too. Will ask the wife for her camera when she gets home and will post some pics.


Active Member
wats up wasa :joint:
leaves yellowing an dyin an the bottom totally norm :hump:
buds lookin gud but how far is ur light an wat ur temps at with the light on?
i dont think ur leaves shud be pointin up like that.
PS yeah man aint it great when thc first shows up on the leaves:shock:
Some pics. Jenni was taller than the other two, and is directly under the bulb, so she got burnt up pretty good he other day. Her bud underneath the burn is still fattening up and overall they seem to be doing great.

edit: The temp at bottom of cab is 74. up top it is 83,

I watered the girls this morning. put 1tbl of BB, 1tsp TB, and, since I was walking down the isle and saw some molasses, put 1 tbl of that was well...peeps seem to have a lot good to say about it. 1/2 tsp ph up got the ph to 6.7
Fed the girls this morning. 2TBL BB, 2tsp TB, 3/4 TBL molasses, 3/4 PH UP put the PH at 6.8. Buds keeping getting juicier and prettier.

I have to confess, I have been guilty of cutting some of the lower branches and smoking them. I REALLY need to stop and let them develop, but, since I don't have money for smoke, I figure it's saving me money. I just hope I can slow down!

Some pics of the girls. Jenni's burn makes me sad. I think it stunted it's upwards growth. The buds themselves are getting bigger, and new growth too, but not where they were burnt, just all around it.

Sasha's really showin off, too. She's the taller of the three now, and is promising a really long, sexy cola.

And not to forget Lexi, who is filling out well, to my surprise. I'm looking forward to Harvesting them all, they look pretty damn good, especially for a first grow.

Oh, the 1 seed I have left form this batch is doing good under a couple CFLS. WAY better than the first seedling did. Straight in FF soil, no nutes yet, though I did water her today with a pretty weak solution of distilled watter and BB. She's developing her 5-leaf fans now, has 1 node. I think I may top her after the second node. I have been reading about 4 main colas, would like to experiment with that. Will try and force-flower the cutting, to see if male or female I guess. Need to get pics of her.

Lastly, I have received mroe seeds. I got a Greenhouse Seeds Sati/Indi mix, plus a free one. They're all feminized...lemme go find em and list them:

Church, Strawberry Haze, Lemon Skunk, Great White Shark, and Hawaiian Snow. The free seed was DNA FEM Sour Cream. I'm trying to scrape enough cash to get a tent (was thinking the 20x36x64, would fit perfect in the closet they're in. But want to get money straightened out, and see if we'll be living here when the elase is up before going full blast on these.

Out of the ones I got, the Church and Strawberry Haze really interest me, seem like they've got the stone I want. Heard differing things about the Church, some just don't seem to want to grow. The Hawaiian Snow really piqued my interest, but seems like it's more of a Sativ than anything else

When I get my Tent I was thinking about doing trying SCROG, not sure how I should go about it if I put a mix of plants under there though.

Anyways, some pics! Sorry about the lighting. Keep messing with the settings, but then as soon as I change the zoom or distance, it gets all messed up again.


P.S. The order of the girls, from left to right, is Lexi, Jenni, and Sasha. The closer up bud pics were from Sasha I THINK.
8/8/2010 Day 37 flowering!!

Fed the girls today. Jenni's burnt top is starting to get some growth on top, which is nice to see. she's getting pretty fat!

The one seed I had is doing amazing. Way bigger than my first time, and so much healthier looking. Will get a pic up some. Looks like it has a 4th node already. I plan on topping it for 4 colas and seeing if I can get the cuttings to flower to tell me the sex. No idea if that'll work.

I'm still not sure which of the other seeds I have I want to go for first. I don't have the $$ yet for my tent, which would be nice to have a veg/mother cab and flower in the tent. Anyways, Peace!
I had that problem at first. I increased my passive intake by putting a screened vent grill, and, I have a window AC keeping that room real cool. I also jerry-rigged a vent tube to suck air from the hood, and have a PC fan blowing through it on the other side, so this seems to help. So air at the bottom comes in at about 74ish, up top it's around 83ish. This reduces the stealthiness of it, but with a couple minutes warning can make it all seem normal in there.

I know what you're feeling though. I have some serious air exchange in there and still the temps can get pretty warm from the light. When I get my tent, I'll definately be going with a cooled fixture.

In other news, Sasha is sill gaining a bit of height, and was starting to lean towards the light itself, so I tied her trunk back a bit. Still need to ge pics of the one I have in Veg. About ready to cut her and force flower he cutting...That one in getting big, too. Have 2 flourescen over her, am going to try and add a couple more I want a tent!! Soon, soon...
We're moving right along, and not too much longer till chop time, I hope. Looks like the crystals are getting cloudy, which is a good sign, ya?

Fed the girls again this morning. I couldn't resist, so cut a small branch from bottom to quick dry and smoke. They're starting to get a bit bare at the btotom, lol :( Hopefully I'll have enough after harvest to last me until my next grow is complete.

The buds are getting really sticky. Jenni's top is still getting new growth on top of the burnt area. Sasha keeps leaning towards the light, and Lexi just kind of sits there, doing her thing.

I did get some mix seeds from Greenhouse Seeds. the pack included: Church, Strawberry Haze, Lemon SKunk, Great White Shark, and Hawaain Snow. Got a freebie of DNA Sour Cream. I'd like to start two of the plants vegging under CFLs, then get them under the HPS once this harvest is done.

Any recommendations on which 2 I should get going?

Oh, and lastly, I did top the last White Castle, and seems to be doing ok. I'm hoping it's not a male. It's grown pretty fast and already has a darn thick stem.

In a hurry so will catch y'all later.