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  1. S

    How Many Plants Can I Grow In My Room?

    Yeah,I am doing soil. I have harvested twice and did four each time but just felt that i could get more yield. How tall should I be growing my ladies before I switch them into flowering then? Total height?
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    How Many Plants Can I Grow In My Room?

    I have a 3ft Length by 4ft Width by 7ft Height hyrdro-tent with reflective walls and a 400 HPS bulb. I am wondering how many plants I can effectively grow in this space. What would be the most effective way... that is for my wattage and lumens and space how many plants would be optimal? And, is...
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    Plants space needs?

    I have a hydro hut with the dimensions 3x4x8 and a 400w Hps bulb along with some other CFLs. I am wondering how much space is needed per plant and what the best setup (plant placement) with my huts dimensions and bulb?
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    Soil Watering Questions?

    Thank you for the help
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    Harvesting Quesitons?

    I am seven weeks into my second grow and I am curious what are the proper techniques to harvest? Also, how long do I dry before I start curing?
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    Soil Watering Questions?

    I have read a lot of these forums and not every really gotten a clear answer on how often and how much to water your plants. Nutrients aside, I have 3 Gallon buckets with drain holes and have soil, what should my watering schedule be? I have heard use nutrients every other time... Is this...
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    Bugs Question!!!!

    No. I thought they were spider mites at first but im 99% sure they were thripes... Nothing too bad. And they seem to be totally fine. How long should I wait? Should I just leave them outside now and let them flower all natural? Is it ok to have plants at different stages of flowering in the same...
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    Bugs Question!!!!

    I have several plants 3/4 done flowering in a specific 12/12 light room. I have another room with a few plants vegging. I had a few bugs on my plants vegging and I have treated them several times and pruned off many of the leaves and they appear to be fine. about a week and no signs of an bugs...
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    Growing Cycles

    thanks i appreciate the feedback
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    Growing Cycles

    What I would like to do is have a grow cycle where I introduce one new clone approximately every 9 days in order to harvest 1 plant about every 9 days (I have a 6 plant setup and most of my clones have 56-60 day flowering periods...9x6=54 days appx). That way I could consistantly have a plant or...
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    Growing Cycles

    What I would like to do is have a grow cycle where I introduce one new clone approximately every 9 days in order to harvest 1 plant about every 9 days (I have a 6 plant setup and most of my clones have 56-60 day flowering periods...9x6=54 days appx). That way I could consistantly have a plant or...
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    Light Proximity

    Exactly how far to you want your cfl's from your ladies? I have heard 1-2 inches or 2-4... doesnt seem like much but that could be 2 to 4 times the distance. so im curious if it is really 2" or anywhere within those parameters will be fine but 2" is better?
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    Transplanted Clones Shock

    hey, I just transplanted 4 clones i purchased from the dispensary (that all had developed root systems) into 3 gallon buckets. I have a 150 cfl about 2" away, i watered thoroughly but not too much. Since the cfl's have to be moved constantly i was wondering how long a plant is in shock before it...
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    Temp Questions

    Im about 2 days into the flowering stage. My temp ranges from about avg. 75-65 but depending on outside temp can range from 83-70 What is the allowable temperature fluctuation and what is the ideal temperature fluctuation (that is what is the ideal daytime "lights on" temp. and ideal...
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    When to induce flowering

    Thanks DankShasta, I think they are ready. My light was/is about 15" away give or take and inch. When i look down they seem robust with practically no dirt visible from the top. Two things I wanted to ask: What is so much more difficult about the flowering stage? & One of the leaves started to...
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    Pictures of growth stages from week 1 to harvest

    if you grew the plants why would you need to know how old they are?
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    When to induce flowering

    hello, I am a first time indoor grower and this is my first post. I have 3 Clones in a 3' by 4' by 7.5' indoor SunHut, a 400w HPS sunmaster bulb with a ballast and reflective hood, oscillating fan, out-take fan, and ducting connected to an A/C unit for temp control. Temp is between 73-83...