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  1. eachnewhour

    Yellowing leaves and I can't figure out why, 8 weeks flowering

    capncash, is it normal that plants finish up in 8 weeks when they're "supposed" to flower for 10 weeks? Anyways, I have another picture for you (and everyone else). I put it on imageshack so you can see it in full detail. ImageShack - Hosting :: maybeue3.jpg I haven't seen any bugs at all...
  2. eachnewhour

    Yellowing leaves and I can't figure out why, 8 weeks flowering

    mexiblunt, I edited my post. It's a NYC Diesel and websites say 10 week flowering.
  3. eachnewhour

    Yellowing leaves and I can't figure out why, 8 weeks flowering

    I appreciate your replies however I do think it's too early to start flushing. And someone on RIU told me about "sucker branches" so I chopped some of them off, should I have chopped even more? I also added a closeup picture, maybe it's easier to see if its time to flush or not. It's a NYC...
  4. eachnewhour

    Yellowing leaves and I can't figure out why, 8 weeks flowering

    Ok guys... feels good to read this. Thanks!
  5. eachnewhour

    Yellowing leaves and I can't figure out why, 8 weeks flowering

    ..even though the buds look far from done?
  6. eachnewhour

    Yellowing leaves and I can't figure out why, 8 weeks flowering

    Hey guys, I'm having some trouble. This girl is getting Hesi Bloom Complex, Hesi Phosphorus Plus and Supervit. It is being fed as the schedule says, so full dosage on all of them. Water is pH6.5. But the fan leaves are getting yellow as you can see and I can't figure out why. Any ideas...
  7. eachnewhour

    Do you like to smoke C99? Is it unique in any way?

    Well, now I've pinched some samples from my ~50day-flowering C99 and it's sure something special. Really powerful weed and myth or not, it does make me a bit paranoid after smoking a few joints. But the high is awesome, it really is.
  8. eachnewhour

    What happens when you flush with pH8 water?

    Right guys, I do have a ph-meter and I do have ph up&dn, been watering with ph 6.5 from start however I don't have the ph meter with me so I'm askin if flushing with ph 8 tapwater will not remove nutes from the plants. I understand the plant cannot absorb nutes due to the lock out someone...
  9. eachnewhour

    What happens when you flush with pH8 water?

    I'm about to harvest soon and started flushing. A friend borrowed my ph-meter so I figured what the hell, I'll just flush them with pH8 (tapwater). Now the plants look like shit (which I don't care about, chopchop in a few days anyways) but maybe this is a bad idea? Am I still flushing the...
  10. eachnewhour

    anyone got pics of dying plants but coming back to life

    Should've taken pics of my plants when I 'forgot' to water them. I really panicked, "God fucking damnit did I spend all this time for nothing just because I was away for a while". 30 minutes after watering it was back from the "dead". So, if underwatering is interesting to you I can take wait a...
  11. eachnewhour

    Yield question, just give me a hint! Over/under 50 grams? (picture)

    Thanks guys, thanks alot. Feels good to know, really good :)
  12. eachnewhour

    Yield question, just give me a hint! Over/under 50 grams? (picture)

    Hahaha! YES I know... I dont like them either, beliiiiiieve me, but right now I'm so fucken curious I can't hold back haha.
  13. eachnewhour

    Yield question, just give me a hint! Over/under 50 grams? (picture)

    ImageShack - Hosting :: howmuchpw6.jpg Please take a look at this picture. If I harvested it right now and dried it, do you think I would yield less or more than 50 grams? I'm still on my first grow so I can't even guess - but you guys can! Thanks for helping me out on this one, would make my...
  14. eachnewhour

    Showing off my 3wk flowering C99&NYCD grow (plus question)

    Just updating in lack of IRL friends to show my plants :D These are C99.
  15. eachnewhour

    Where my trichomes at? (5 week flower)

    New picture
  16. eachnewhour

    Where my trichomes at? (5 week flower)

    Goddamnit, 6 weeks flowering soon, some white hairs starting to turn orange but no trichomes....... Thanks man :)
  17. eachnewhour

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Here's my 400w setup. You can see the filter and the fan up there, and a silencer aswell. Pretty quiet with closed doors, I must say. The plant without trichs is a NYCD and the sugarcoated one is C99. Five weeks flowering.
  18. eachnewhour

    Where my trichomes at? (5 week flower)

    Ok thanks man, I hope you're right. The reason I'm askin is cause my other plants (C99) are covered in trichs while this one almost doesn't have any at all. But we'll see what happens..
  19. eachnewhour

    Where my trichomes at? (5 week flower)

    Am I supposed to prepare for the worst, that there's something wrong with genetics here or something, or is it possible that this plant will be covered with trichomes when I harvest? It's a NYCD, five weeks flowering, and to be honest I don't know how long they're supposed to flower.
  20. eachnewhour

    Very short plants, where did I go wrong?

    Nah, switched to HPS 400w two weeks into flowering. The other two plants, also a C99 and a NYCD took off like crazy when i flipped the timer on.