Yield question, just give me a hint! Over/under 50 grams? (picture)


Well-Known Member
ImageShack - Hosting :: howmuchpw6.jpg

Please take a look at this picture. If I harvested it right now and dried it, do you think I would yield less or more than 50 grams? I'm still on my first grow so I can't even guess - but you guys can! Thanks for helping me out on this one, would make my weekend complete

The plant is 30 inches tall.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha! YES I know... I dont like them either, beliiiiiieve me, but right now I'm so fucken curious I can't hold back haha.


Well-Known Member
That plant still has a way to go before harvest, but yield wise I'd say 2 oz or more from the pics. Those buds will fatten up.


Well-Known Member
yeah you got a ways to go. I would cut everything of the bottom 6 or 8 inches. Those branches on the bottoms are called sucker branches because they suck life from the plant. They will only take from your yield.