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  1. D

    I have ended up with 1 male and 1 female :)

    Yeah, didnt take a picture of the male, didnt think it was worth taking a picture of :P Its no where near as big as the female, as i had to move it out of the same cupboard as the female and i dont have any other lights other than a desk lamp, so thats all thats been keeping it going. thanks...
  2. D

    I have ended up with 1 male and 1 female :)

    Here are the pictures i promised :) And an enhanced pic :P
  3. D

    I have ended up with 1 male and 1 female :)

    This has been a lucky grow, given all the stress and other misshaps along the way. A deffinate male, full of tiny balls. The female has no balls, and a few tiny white hairs and pistols in between the stem :) Ill wait untill i can borrow the clear camera for pictures. Thanks once again all :)...
  4. D

    Looking for advice on my 40 day old plants. - Clear pics added :)

    I agree with you, they are rough, they fell out of a cupboard 4 ft onto the floor, then one night a bulb dropped down and burnt a few leaves. They have also been re potted 4 times due to space issues, but im leaving them now and they seem to be pulling through :) Can you tell by the above...
  5. D

    Looking for advice on my 40 day old plants. - Clear pics added :)

    The timings are now at 12/12, hopefully only a few weeks to go :P
  6. D

    Looking for advice on my 40 day old plants. - Clear pics added :)

    Hello again, As you may have read, my plants are now at the 40 day stage, please could anyone advise me on what to do next i.e light timings, watering and whatnot. Thanks once again to all that have helped. :blsmoke:
  7. D

    How would RIU rate my plants now?

    my plants are looking alot better now, lots of tiny leaves inbetween the main stem and the leaf stem. They are at 28days of growing nowk, is there anything else i should be doing :) Thanks
  8. D

    How would RIU rate my plants now?

    Looking rather nice now, thanks guys. Live webcam Stream-: Thanks once again :)
  9. D

    How would RIU rate my plants now?

    One morning i looked and in the night 2 of the lightbulbs lowerd and were 1cm from the non ES bulbs and they got burnt :( Im still only giving them 5 tiny pellets per plant (these things are made to be thrown into pots by the handfull), and some "B&Q Flowering Drip Feeder" Its not drip...
  10. D

    How would RIU rate my plants now?

    This is how they are looking, added another 24W cfl, what do you think :P
  11. D

    How would RIU rate my plants now?

    Shall i just leave the bend in it then :P only problem is, ive had to tie it down like the others, otherwise it goes higher than the lights. Thanks all :)
  12. D

    How would RIU rate my plants now?

    They will be going about 2 inches higher in a few mins, what do you think. The third plant kinked when i was bending it, can it be saved by chopping and re planting or has it had it? Thanks all :)
  13. D

    How would RIU rate my plants now?

    Wow, ok ill get on that right away :) Thanks
  14. D

    How would RIU rate my plants now?

    What is LST? I do have 2 more 100w bulbs, non energy savers, but they get HOT, im not sure what i can do. Thanks :)
  15. D

    How would RIU rate my plants now?

    Hi all, I have just taken these pictures, still under 2 15w cfl and a 25w cfl, nice and close. The temps are at 25c, and the timer is still on 18/6 At night i cover the box entirely with a shirt and a jumper and cover the fans up but enough room to breathe, and my room is in total darkness...
  16. D

    Please help, website/post problems.

    I cant get on without going through a proxy, and i cant view any pictures. Have i been blocked by my isp? Want to show you guys my setup and ask if my night period is sufficiant. Please help :) Thanks :)
  17. D

    Any advice on my setup :)

    After the misshaps and what not, im rather pleased with my plants, i have 3 20w CFL's to replace all my bulbs with in the flowering stage, what would you say was the best thing to do now for the plants, its not a good setup by any means, but i really want to see it through and try and produce...
  18. D

    Any advice on my setup :)

    Hi all, After moving my plants closer to the light, im much happier with them now, the temperatures are all bang on aswell. Here are some pics :) Please comment, thanks :)
  19. D

    Any advice on my setup :)

    Hi all, i have moved my plants now into a big box right next to me, its all padded out with reflective sheeting, i have 1 120mm intake fan at the side of the box, and one 120mm fan on the top of the box as an exhaust. atm i am using 2 100w bulbs that are running 18/6. I REALLY hope they...
  20. D

    Any advice on my setup :)

    OMG, i opend my cupboard this morning to check on them, BOOM, all 3 slid out onto the floor, if plants dont recover well from stress, i think these will die :( Ill keep you posted