Looking for advice on my 40 day old plants. - Clear pics added :)

Hello again,

As you may have read, my plants are now at the 40 day stage, please could anyone advise me on what to do next i.e light timings, watering and whatnot.

Thanks once again to all that have helped. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Id say ease off on the nutrients a bit as there is nutrient burns on your leaves. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Maybe a good flush? I'm really not trying to be mean but those plants look a little rough. If they aren't autos maybe veg a little longer for a bit more "fullness"

Maybe a good flush? I'm really not trying to be mean but those plants look a little rough. If they aren't autos maybe veg a little longer for a bit more "fullness"

I agree with you, they are rough, they fell out of a cupboard 4 ft onto the floor, then one night a bulb dropped down and burnt a few leaves. They have also been re potted 4 times due to space issues, but im leaving them now and they seem to be pulling through :)

Can you tell by the above pictures if they are females or not?

Thanks :) :peace:


Active Member
All i can say about your plants is,,,stop all the bending and start mending, those plants look a bit sickly, maybe some fert. problems, most likely too much fert, but i'm no expert thats just my thoughts. Try fushing them and start back with 1/2 ferts. and build up from there.