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  1. bonedaddy4u

    World of Seeds Skunk-47

    Thanks a lot for your review was worried it wasn't going to be the strain.:( i wanted with the high indica influence
  2. bonedaddy4u

    World of Seeds Skunk-47

    Picture of my Skunk 47 week 4 in 12/12
  3. bonedaddy4u

    too bushy?

    Here is pics. of my FIM's
  4. bonedaddy4u


    Thxs for the help grow on friend
  5. bonedaddy4u


    thxs would it pay to cut one week into flower? Or 2-3 days before
  6. bonedaddy4u


    is it better to lollipop in flower?
  7. bonedaddy4u

    ahhhhh i left a light on accidentlyyyyyyyy

    Weed is tough and can handle a little shit no prob. I think they hermi out because it was a hermi or came from one. I beat the shit out of my plants and they dont drop nuts. But the light cycle is priority number one thing to watch and be careful with. A timer is the way to grow.
  8. bonedaddy4u

    Small white dots on plant leaves??

    I've seen my share of mites and it dint look like what i've seen you can hold paper under some leaves and tap them. See you can find on the paper with a microscope x30
  9. bonedaddy4u

    epsom salt vs molasses 1st noob dwc grow

    :weed::weed:From what I've seen in my garden they work well together. They both have magnesium but molasses has a simple n/cal/mag (pretty mild dose) :and Epson salt is much more complicated Magnesium sulfate (rock salt) is a chemical compound containing magnesium, sulfur and oxygen, with the...
  10. bonedaddy4u

    Plant Problems, Can't figure it out, Please Help, Nice Closeup Pics

    every 3 days spray. The eggs hatch every 3 days from what I heard and thats how I bette them old tread but had to post MITE suck ass
  11. bonedaddy4u

    Lights off for 2 days before flowering to increase yield

    I ran White Widow For 6 crops and tried this myself. Over having to just chuck a couple with out the 48 dark,the flower came in slow and the 48 dark plants finished a week early:clap: I run 24 veg and try always down 48hrs before and after. I watch my...
  12. bonedaddy4u

    Help! I can't tell know if my flowering plant is a hermaphrodite.

    that banana shaped sack on the bud looks different I've only seen round sacks on my girls with to hairs coming out of it. I don't know is that a sign?The best pic sorry. I found a couple in the pic. Super silver lemon haze
  13. bonedaddy4u

    Should you cut off fan leaves during flowering

    I like to clip any leaves over an ince when the node at the base has little leaves and have great resalts the bigger leave dont take in as much as the small leaves and the leave stems ted to turn red.
  14. bonedaddy4u

    Help 6 Weeks Into Flower Fan Leaves Turning Yellow

    my ww looks the same in week 6 ive been nuting her very hard and im going try to cut the nutes but add some mag.older picture (2weeks)