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    blue cheese

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    Realistically speaking, can I expect to harvest at least 1.5 oz with this setup?

    You must be shit at growing i get 8 oz of one plant with 1 600w HPS, With 400w cfl grown properly 2 plants and 5 feet of vertical space i recon you should pull 4 oz min dry.
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    The Scottish Growers Thread!

    Fuck that i can get 3.5g of good weed for £20 in fife
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    thanks i was hoping for an 8 week harvest
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    This is my blue cheese 51 days flowering.
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    Seed mess up?

    I got 14 grams of a white widow plant i grew. i didnt flush it it had i bit of nute burn towards the end, I still smoked it!
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    Seed mess up?

    thanx man. I had 4 grows before that one and only managed with a lot of help from other growers, It takes along time but you get there in the end.
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    Seed mess up?

    Use an air pump and air stone in the tank the roots grow down to air stone in the tank. i only use 100ml of grow to 20litres of water. I add the nutes every second time i refill the tank exept boost every time. i tape down the cover to try and keep light out leave a bit at the end to check the...
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    Seed mess up?

    You never know heres a pic of my blue cheese 4weeks flowering its been topped. I use a 600w sunmaster, nft + ionic [/ATTACH]
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    Seed mess up?

    Make sure the roots grow though the larger cube before you put it on the nft.
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    Seed mess up?

    I dont know if your seed will be alright, I use an nft system i found it hard to start seeds in rockwool when i first went hydro. Once its rooted though the bottom of the rockwool and you put it in the nft system the roots just take off. i use ionic nutes and wouldnt change them.
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    Yellow tips on fans

    Hi my plants on week 5 of flowering and i have had yellow tips on my leaves on and off. i think it has something to do with how you mi the nutes i got mine the last time when i added boost. Im growing under a 600w hps in an 205 nft setup i use tap water too. The first pic is my first grow thats...
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    nft 205 blue cheese 3 weeks into flowering

    This is blue cheese 3 weeks into flowering under a 600w hps. I was told blue cheese is not the best for a big yield but its strong ive never smoked it before, what do you guys think of my plant so far?.
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    *PICS* Brown/yellow crispy dying leaves?

    i made the same mistake with my first grow over feeding. If you flush with 2 litres of water it should sort it out.
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    First hydro Grow

    This is my first hydro grow its a blue cheese cutting under a 600w hps its been in the nft system for 5 days no since it was rooted in the rockwool. what do you think?
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    My first hydro grow pics

    This is my first hydro grow m using an nft system, The cutting was blue cheese i got of a friend who also showed me how to set up the nft system. The cutting has been in there for 5 days since it roots came though. what do you think? its under a 600w hps
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    600w hps?

    That sounds like a lot but ive never tried to grow more than one, Im planning to use pots with clay pellets and put them around the nft system
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    600w hps?

    I have a 600w hps light and i grow 1 plant in a small nft system. How many plants could i get under the light i have plenty of space just 1 light????[
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    Big Buddha Cheese Scrog or SCREEN OF GREEN Am i done?? + pics 400w

    I have the same setup but a 600w light im using ionics not starting till end of week when clones fully rooted in rockwool. Id like to say thats some results you have their looks amazing im growing blue cheese too hope i can get the same results.