Seed mess up?

The Serpent

Active Member
Hi guys, been lurking and reading a lot before posting so I know some basics and not repeating a question, however I have one...

I'll keep this simples, germinating a couple of seeds and had to move them out one container into another (cracked container leaking some water, no big deal). However one seed that was germinating well, I knocked the "cap," off it and although it had a white root sprouting through, I think I may have damaged it as there could have been some root / head of the root left in the seed casing. I've put it into a cube under my 125CFL (which i'm using for the first stages until they go into larger cubes on the nft itself). Are these little roots strong enough to recover or will it likely just die in a day or so?

It's no big deal because I put in another seed or two to make up for it (freebies I'm starting with) but just wondered if it can recover or whether the damage shall be fatal?

The seeds are blue haze auto's from DINAFem.

merci for the replies in advance!

My setup:

Homebox Small (0.8 X 0.8 X1.6)
125cfl / 250hps Sunmaster
GT205 NFT system
6" fan & carbon filter
Ionic nutes

After I do this "test grow," to basically just learn from scratch whilst making mistakes
(the auto blue haze) I'll be doing some blue hash from Dinafem.

Need any more info I'll give it!

Cheers guys & gals.


I dont know if your seed will be alright, I use an nft system i found it hard to start seeds in rockwool when i first went hydro. Once its rooted though the bottom of the rockwool and you put it in the nft system the roots just take off. i use ionic nutes and wouldnt change them.

The Serpent

Active Member
Yeah, it's the initial germination process here really, this root / seed could easily be damaged, so I suppose it's more of a personal experiment to see if she perks up or not. I fully expect it to die but I won't know until it does (or does not?). I suspect most growers may have just binned it but I have HOPE DAMN IT, HOPE!


The Serpent

Active Member
Yeah I have been reading a lot and talking with some growers so kinda have a feel for the timing aspect and when to actually turn on the NFT and get them going properly. Thanks for your replies man! Any handy tips you found using the olde NFT?

The Serpent

Active Member
Thats really cool man, I am looking forward to the point where I can start trying my proper seeds after my first auto flower grow. Think we are using same NFT tanks.


Use an air pump and air stone in the tank the roots grow down to air stone in the tank. i only use 100ml of grow to 20litres of water. I add the nutes every second time i refill the tank exept boost every time. i tape down the cover to try and keep light out leave a bit at the end to check the pumps still works. The rockwooll needs to be covered coz algae will grow on it.


thanx man. I had 4 grows before that one and only managed with a lot of help from other growers, It takes along time but you get there in the end.

The Serpent

Active Member
thanx man. I had 4 grows before that one and only managed with a lot of help from other growers, It takes along time but you get there in the end.
Yeah, guy i knew for a while said it took him a year to really get his personal technique down and even then it's still a learning curve. So am looking forward to this, it's going to be enjoyable to do then even more enjoyable for my own little batch of smoko when I get there! Obviously I'll claim it's the "best," i've ever smoked first time lol


I got 14 grams of a white widow plant i grew. i didnt flush it it had i bit of nute burn towards the end, I still smoked it!

The Serpent

Active Member
Nice! Nute burn, nothing like it! I bet you still thought "dam fine," lol as I expect I'll do with my first grow!

The Serpent

Active Member
A little update for you all here. I allowed the "damaged," root to germinate / sit in the bowl another day or so then planted her. She didn't look like doing anything and was seriously thinking of just binning her BUT after reading posts from other more experienced folks here I thought "well what harm will letting it sit in the cube for two days more really do?,".

Alas today on a check up she seems to be sprouting :)

So I guess my lesson learned here is "don't be hasty and show patience,".

thanks for advice folks!