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  1. J

    Living in the forest for the next two year's, aboriginal style. Is it unpractical to

    A little follow-up from my dickish troll comment. I do agree with you Sir, you need to be a fucking PRO to not only do this, but to gain insight as well.
  2. J

    Living in the forest for the next two year's, aboriginal style. Is it unpractical to

    SurvivorMan is half farce. He purposely goes into his situations at least 25 pounds overweight in order for his body to feed, otherwise he would starve and die like any other tourist. Cody and Dave are the real deal.
  3. J

    There is a Search featue on this site and it works

    Not complaining or trolling, just an observation. The other day on just 1 page was THREE threads asking how to combat rodents and deer. Seriously, is it laziness or simply an unwillingness to do any legwork on their own? I just dont want to see this great reference site become irrelevant.
  4. J

    Using liquid fence

    I also bought a 10 dollar 1 gallon sprayer and my loss to wildlife has been 0% the last 2 seasons.
  5. J

    Using liquid fence

    There is also a concentrate. 1 gallon of concentrate makes 16 gallons. At a little over a hundred dollars (EBay), it's beyond a deal considering the pints retail for twenty dollars.
  6. J

    @thieving threads

    Mr. High Horse, It's not trespassing, it's called squatting. In fact, in most states, if you squat and improve someone's land by cultivating the land or living upon it for a period of 20 years, and the landowner does not force or evict you off , you have a claim to the deed of said land thru a...
  7. J

    Brewing compost teas for a guerilla grow

    Uphill on uneven footing while trying to avoid making a trail and it gets to be not so easy fairly quick into the season.
  8. J

    Don't try this at home

    It has finally happened. I accidentally drank something that was not intended for human consumption. Just got done cloning and cleaning up. As I was leaving the room I grabbed my water cup I was drinking out of with my left hand and grabbed the homemade worm casting tea cup in the other and...
  9. J

    soil white rhino grow 11 days into flower

    Got 1000 watt cool tube on a light rail, love it.
  10. J

    Outdoor Guerilla Grow: Slugs & Earthworms & Smell

    Upon reviewing my post I realize I am not only a troll but also an ass. It didn't occur to me that copper is a bit pricey nowadays and some people just can't afford that luxury. If that is the case I do sincerely apologize.
  11. J

    Outdoor Guerilla Grow: Slugs & Earthworms & Smell

    I'm sorry for being a troll but jesus christ, 3 pages ago you were told to get copper wire. Get the goddamn wire already and be done with it. Seriously, considering the list of hardships and variables one encounters while growing guerilla, if you are having trouble fighting a damn slug then...
  12. J

    Round Three - 10 Pound Minimum Outdoor 2011

    That second spot is killer indeed. Just 1 suggestion, next year research a product called Deer Away, a liquid concentrate that deters smaller rodents as well. It will eliminate the noticeable screen cages you use.
  13. J

    Cloning a clone

    Jesus Christ I have Mothers, thats where the clones in question came from. Answer the immediate question or move on.
  14. J

    Cloning a clone

    How old should a rooted clone be in order to take a clone off of it? Scenario; My friend is potting up clones that have rooted in an aerator. The clones already have decent side branching with a top that is ripe for taking to clone. Not to mention it is crunch time outside and every clone...
  15. J

    Need to change light cycle to run at night for cooler temps but am already flowering.

    The consensus is I will do the changeover all at once. Thanks for the quick replies everyone.
  16. J

    Need to change light cycle to run at night for cooler temps but am already flowering.

    I am in the middle of a flowering cycle in which I am running the lights during the day. Spring has snuck up on me and my temps got uncomfortably high today even with the A/C going. My first order of business aside from buying a newer A/C is to change my cycle and run the lights at night...
  17. J

    Real OG Kush?

    A friend of a friend claims his bud is OG . The buds and other characteristics seem OKwhen compared to information I found on the internet. The problem is we live in the Midwest. Albeit we are close to Chicago but still...real OG? What do you Cali guys think?
  18. J

    Start Saving your egg shells. Deer HATE them!

    Karma says you shall not reap a harvest this year either.
  19. J

    Top 10 Songs for Plants and Gardens to Thrive On. Music is Proven to help plants Grow

    Yes yes of course Sir. That is about as meaningful as my need to harass you for failing to spell correctly, LOL. You are nothing more than a miserable twat who can't grow real weight.
  20. J

    Top 10 Songs for Plants and Gardens to Thrive On. Music is Proven to help plants Grow

    Holy shit let the guy enjoy his thread. I think his intention was for this to be casual light reading but has since been backed into a corner being forced to cite scientific evidence. *Yawn* Go to the comment section of your local online newspaper if you wish to troll for fucksake.