@thieving threads


Who the fuck cares if someone grows in their backyard or in woods on a different property, its all illegal. Obviously we all do it..get off your high horses people! Quit being scared of getting busted..WOOOPDEDOOO! You get caught with a few plants and get a ticket...come on! ITS NOT THAT BAD!
Maybe in your area you only get a ticket. Here where I am, you WILL get FIVE I repeat, FIVE years PER plant. They enforce it too!

Keep it smoking!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Maybe in your area you only get a ticket. Here where I am, you WILL get FIVE I repeat, FIVE years PER plant. They enforce it too!

Keep it smoking!
They tried to give me a "Ticket" for 12 years. Hell, in Ark, it's 5 for anything over an Oz.


Well-Known Member
great post Moteasah! I say keep it outta the forest and grow it in the backyard! if one cant get a script or your state has no medical laws then wait til it does because one day with in the next 5-10 years this whole country will be medical if not completely legal! so keep it legal, grow it descretely in a basement or something or dont grow it at all! honestely in my opinion guerilla growing is a bunch of honkey anyways! nothing but bad comes out of it! but thats my opinion! keep em green and in the backyard! peace!
alright thats bullshit, were not gonna wait unil our state has it legal, and we all cant just get up and move to a state that does on the drop of a dime,or grow it in our house, for sum of us guerilla growing is the only way, yea we'd love to be able to grow it in our backyard without reprecussions, thats my dream rite there, but we dnt all have that luxury, and i can assure u most guerilla growers dnt like hauling heavy ass bags of soil and water through thick ass brush getting eaten by bugs, its not fun but the reward is well worth it, and i can guarentee that if ur state didnt have it legal or u didnt live in a state that had it legal for as long as u could remember, you'd be going to the backwoods to grow ur own too, and we all dnt grow on private property, i for one grow on public property, as do many other guerilla growers, i clean up and i respect the land. im not gonna string sum fish hooks up or set some booby traps bc its there rite to travel the woods, its public, although i dnt like ppl that specifically go looking for peoples plants. excuse us for getting harsh and saying what we'd do if we caught sum1 on our crop but guerilla grows are 3 times the work and effort than ne indoor or backyard grow, and after that much wrk we want to see it through, and half the things we say we wouldnt rele do. u hide ur shit well and clean up after urself, if it gets taken thats the reprecussion of growing on private or public property, and all guerilla growers no that


I wouldn't personally grow on someone else's land, but wait 5-10 years? Really? I've been waitin a while, I've had multiple surgeries and live with a lot of pain, I don't like what scripted Mede do to me, and so if it is illegal for me to refuse one drug for that which I find to be a healthier alternative and judge it worth the risk, then so be it.

For the record threatening to kill anyone over taking anything you leave on other land is bs. Leaving trash and not respecting the land is bs, and I do know quite a few growers who grow in parks and such and are very much not this way. If you are that way you need to grow up.
Mr. High Horse, It's not trespassing, it's called squatting. In fact, in most states, if you squat and improve someone's land by cultivating the land or living upon it for a period of 20 years, and the landowner does not force or evict you off , you have a claim to the deed of said land thru a centuries old law called "adverse possession". So because you happen to live in a 420 friendly state you can suddenly pass moral judgement upon others?? Get a grip, Almighty Property Keeper Across The Land..


Well-Known Member
Growing on property you don't own is a crime, EVERYWHERE. If you do it, don't whine when you get ripped off or busted.

At the same time, if you go looking for other's grows, I hope the LEOs are waiting by your car, when you come out of the brush.

Grow some stones and move to a MMJ friendly state.

I'm guessing that anyone bitching is under 18, anyway.
fuck you too you goverment monkey i hope the feds take you to jail loser. I like weed being illegal it's worth more. Under 18 my ass been growing 18 years more like it boy.


Well-Known Member
i grow on public land.. im part of the public so i think the public should have the right to do so as long as they dont leave trash and ruin other wild life.. yes i would love to and have grown in my backyard before but its almost more heat to do so with neighbors/ people coming by and smell ect..


Well-Known Member
Was your crop stolen?

EDIT: Dough! Now I get it! Just a bit slow this morning!lol!