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  1. stormtrooper

    first grow need help

    okay so right now im currently havin issues with pictures but i will get them up as soon as possible....until then as of right now im on day 12 they all took great. Few questions i had was i've read that people switch from 24 hr light to like 18/6 or something like that to promote growth and...
  2. stormtrooper

    first grow need help

    Okay so i woke up and one of my girls were laying completly yon her side?! i dont know what happened but i made a crutch and stood her up on it. Shes been doin okay since. The other two are doing good and has there second set of leaves but the only thing thats concerning me a little is there...
  3. stormtrooper

    first grow need help

    question.............when do i go 12/12?
  4. stormtrooper

    first grow need help

    thats day 8 for the girls there lookin healthy.....nice pic by the way im hopin my ladies will be lookin that good..i will keep udated thanks for the advice any and all is much appriciated
  5. stormtrooper

    first grow need help

    hers sisters look identidal cant get a better shot right now
  6. stormtrooper

    first grow need help

    new pics soon
  7. stormtrooper

    first grow need help

    okay well im sorta high terms i can understand should i just leave the babies under the cfls until i notice ?
  8. stormtrooper

    first grow need help

    also when how long shouldd i keep them under the flors/cfl till i move to the said a few more sets of like a few weeks or less? i just ask for the simple reason i need to save some cash for the 400 and wanted to know how long i had hah.....thanks for the advice, smoke smoke...
  9. stormtrooper

    first grow need help

    thanks for the advice i will continue to post pictures and updates. One more question i had was how and when and can i transfer them to a 400 watt?
  10. stormtrooper

    first grow need help

    THese our the ladies .....advice anyone?
  11. stormtrooper

    first grow need help

    This is my first grow so any advice would be greatly apprciated. So i started off with 3 seeds seperated into 2 gallon buckets using fox farm ocean forest soil. For lighting i got a T5 28W and a T5 14W it was all i could afford at the time and its worked so far. I didnt want to jump into buying...
  12. stormtrooper

    Welcome New Members!

    whats up i've got three babies right now which i started out no germination just straight seed. There 6 days old and i have them under a T8 28 W florscent and a 14 watt T8 so 42 watts all together. I'm new to growng and need any advice i can get. I plan on getting a 400 watt hps for future use.