first grow need help

This is my first grow so any advice would be greatly apprciated. So i started off with 3 seeds seperated into 2 gallon buckets using fox farm ocean forest soil. For lighting i got a T5 28W and a T5 14W it was all i could afford at the time and its worked so far. I didnt want to jump into buying expensive equipment until i knew i was on the right track and had some good pointers. So far its been 7 days and things look good. Im going to be posting pictures but please if anyone could help me with some pointers i that would be cool . My plan is to get a 400 watt hps and again need some help....thanks everyone smooke ssmmooke smooke. :peace:


Well-Known Member
looking good, but the first one looks a little stretched from lack of light. you are on the right track with ffof soil, my only advice is get better lighting the plants will thank you for it. good luck :D
This is my first grow so any advice would be greatly apprciated. So i started off with 3 seeds seperated into 2 gallon buckets using fox farm ocean forest soil. For lighting i got a T5 28W and a T5 14W it was all i could afford at the time and its worked so far. I didnt want to jump into buying expensive equipment until i knew i was on the right track and had some good pointers. So far its been 7 days and things look good. Im going to be posting pictures but please if anyone could help me with some pointers i that would be cool . My plan is to get a 400 watt hps and again need some help....thanks everyone smooke ssmmooke smooke. :peace:
I totally understand not wanting to go all out on the expensive gear just yet. It's a pain in the butt to learn and sometimes it's just not worth it...and then what are you going to do with it?

For seven days in, I agree that things are looking pretty good.

My only thing is to echo what the other guy said - your plants are stretching a little bit. I think you need to move the plants so they're not working so hard to reach the light. Or you just need the stronger bulbs to help the plants get the energy they need.

I would strongly encourage you to think about spending money the next round though if this works out. In my experience, higher quality products just tend to have a higher price tag. And while you might not want to spend the cash, you should. Your smoke will be worth the hard work and the investment.

thanks for the advice i will continue to post pictures and updates. One more question i had was how and when and can i transfer them to a 400 watt?


Active Member
CFL's are also a good choice for small grows, you just need a lot of them. Keep CFL's and floro tubes really close to reduce stretching - like 3-4 inches. In the end, the 400 hps is truly the way to go if you want a high quality harvest.


Active Member
Sorry posting slow, using on screen key board. You can use 400 whenever, just keep it high so babies don't burn. It's kind of a waste for seedlings, though. I'd go with CFL/floro til a fewsets of leaves, then go up to 400.
also when how long shouldd i keep them under the flors/cfl till i move to the said a few more sets of like a few weeks or less? i just ask for the simple reason i need to save some cash for the 400 and wanted to know how long i had hah.....thanks for the advice, smoke smoke smoke


Active Member
You can use the flouros/cfls for the whole grow, you will just have wispy buds. The main problem is intensity of light drops of quickly as you get more than a few inches away from the bulb. Plants should do well until there is 4-6 inches of vegetation to penetrate, then they should be ready for the HPS.
thats day 8 for the girls there lookin healthy.....nice pic by the way im hopin my ladies will be lookin that good..i will keep udated thanks for the advice any and all is much appriciated


Active Member
When you are ready to flower. I've heard of people going from seedling stage straight into flower, but then you wind up just growing a little baby bud. It's best to wait until you have good plant going. Once you start seeing side branches, the stem will thicken up and get more "woody" you are then in vegetative growth and no longer a seedling. The longer you veg, the more plant/roots you will have = more bud. Once you have vegged a few weeks, your plants will show pre-flowers letting you know it's ready to flower, but you can keep the plant in vegetative stage longer to get a bigger plant. Basically you want it as big as your space allows, keeping in mind that depending on the strain, you can double in size during flowering.

The pic I posted was from a plant about 25 days old, and it is still in veg.
Okay so i woke up and one of my girls were laying completly yon her side?! i dont know what happened but i made a crutch and stood her up on it. Shes been doin okay since. The other two are doing good and has there second set of leaves but the only thing thats concerning me a little is there first set of theres at the begining of them towards the stem they seem to be folding up more where as the tips are that a bad thing? I'm waiting for pics cuz i have to move some things...
okay so right now im currently havin issues with pictures but i will get them up as soon as possible....until then as of right now im on day 12 they all took great. Few questions i had was i've read that people switch from 24 hr light to like 18/6 or something like that to promote growth and give them a little rest this true and if so should and could i do that? Another question i had was i was considering just sticking with cfls for the whole grow and was wondering what the ideal wattage for three plants would be?