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  1. C

    What about hanging the whole plant?

    I didn't really think about that step that could be a hassle...16 plants and 4 strains.
  2. C

    What about hanging the whole plant?

    Is this a good technique? I've read where some guys cut the plant at the base and invert it in the dark to dry, then cut the buds off to cure. Any experienced posts are appreciated. Thanks.
  3. C

    co2 consumption

    Thats CO not CO2. CO is DEADLY!
  4. C

    Humidity problem.

    I just hung all 3 and will have an update tomorrow. If they last and can hold down the humidity 10-15%, I'll be tickled shitless!
  5. C

    Humidity problem.

    I'll check it out. I just can't run another 800 watts sucking water out of the air.
  6. C

    Humidity problem.

    I have a sealed room with co2. I tried venting but it can't keep humidity low enough plus it sucks co2 out and fights my temperatures. QUESTION***** Who makes an energy efficient, reliable dehumidifier that doesn't put off a ton of heat? or that the heat can be vented?? Thanks!
  7. C

    Gone For A While.... Back With 4000watt SOG flip-flop 200 Diesel Clones!

    How much drip and how often for the plants? I do like the drain to waste. Better to manage tds and ph.
  8. C

    CO2 question. Very high reading without generation??

    Bump!!! how can the co2 stay so high?
  9. C

    CO2 question. Very high reading without generation??

    I have a sealed 8X16' room I'm setting up. I am experimenting with a 35 gallon mini aero system. I have a CO2 system like this,, only an older model. Before I put anything in that room, I set it to 800 ppm. and it held right...
  10. C

    Is Grodan Rockwool PH Neutral?

    I'll do a over night soak and squeeze. should be fine. Hell, if Im gonna soak at all, I may as well leave em over night.
  11. C

    Is Grodan Rockwool PH Neutral?

    Their website says so. I am gonna supplement 6" net pots with some of the 1/2" cubes. Should I soak the cubes in ph'd water. Or at least, rinse them? How do some of you experienced rockwool users condition the cubes you use? Thanks in advance. This site is...
  12. C

    HELP!! I have some seeds that have popped in rapid rooters

    Whats a mini hempy? I know what perlite is. Would I just fill some cups with perlite and place the rapid rooters in the cup?
  13. C

    HELP!! I have some seeds that have popped in rapid rooters

    They're about 2 inches tall and the tap roots are beginning to spread into the mat tray. My system is not ready yet. Maybe 5 days away from being up and running. Two questions : Are they large enough to go into hyrdroton and be placed in a aero/hydro system? And, what is the best way to let...
  14. C

    Small intake fan needed.

    I have a 8x16' room that will be sealed. I will have a CO2 system with ac. I am looking for a small intake fan for the room to run at night to help with the ac. Where I live it gets pretty cold at night. I'm looking for something along the lines of a 3" biscuit fan with louvers that is 110 volt...
  15. C

    Popping seeds for rapid rooters question

    I have seeds soaking overnight tonight to go into rapid rooters into a tray with a heat mat and dome in the AM. I have botanicare nutes. Should I use plain water in the tray? Or ad some sort of nute? Thanks in advance!
  16. C

    Heat Mat Thermostat

    I got one of these with some miscellaneous equipment. It has a probe. Can that be stuck in the bottom of a tray in the water or should it be stick in its own rapid rooter?
  17. C

    My Ebb And Flow (Pics)

    the girls will break their necks reaching. lower the lights/....
  18. C

    Anyone seen a worm like this before?

    Thanks. I'll check it out.
  19. C

    Anyone seen a worm like this before?

    My mistake. Your correct. Is that better being a caterpillar? They look like teeny tomato worms without the red horn. I can pick them off . Just dont know if I can spray or not. OR pray what.
  20. C

    Anyone seen a worm like this before?

    Links not working. Thanks for the reply.