Anyone seen a worm like this before?


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I've been picking a couple of these little fuckers a day off a Hindu lady friend whose been flowering for about 30 days. Its about a 1/2 inch long and not quite as round as a pencil lead. Tiny little tomato worm looking worm. How can I treat for these in bloom?


Active Member
I know how I treat them, I give them the thumb and index finger sandwich with no pitty for the little bastards. Buy some B.T. and read the Bud Worm season thread!! Good luck!
I've seen those before and I believe it's a type of moth caterpillar. Anyway, caterpillars love to eat whatever you find them on. For insects of all types the best insecticide I have found is called "Garden Safe Fruit & Vegetable Insect Killer" and it's made by Schultz. It's pyrethrin based and can be used up to the day of garden vegetable harvest. After battling a fungus gnat infestation for 6 weeks and using neem oil with poor results, I had excellent results with Garden Safe. If it can be used on vegetables up to the day they are picked (and eaten) I think it's save to use on MJ. Don't get wild with it and hose everything down, a little goes a long way. You don't want to saturate the leaves or buds but rather mist them and avoid any droplets forming on the leaves. Pyrethrin is deadly to insects so not much is needed. ------- Hope this helps!-------- Party on Dude!


Well-Known Member
Those worms require immediate action. right now they are eating your buds and foliage and shitting all over your plant, more specifically shitting IN your buds. Soon so much insect fecal matter will start rotting your bud and cause mold issues. Do what Awill said and read the bud worm thread. It's a nice intro to this devious creature. I also have them but I believe I caught them soon enough and have been treating with BT or safer catepeller killer. GL