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  1. C

    my plants are looking like palm trees no leaves on the bottom please

    can someone verify for me that these are males im pretty sure they are but jus makn sure
  2. C

    my plants are looking like palm trees no leaves on the bottom please

    how long after light cycle change will budds begin to show??
  3. C

    my plants are looking like palm trees no leaves on the bottom please

    i havent cropped yet jus tryin to do everythning good now to get the best taste i can
  4. C

    my plants are looking like palm trees no leaves on the bottom please

    is that good or do i need better?? this my first time trying to get it right
  5. C

    my plants are looking like palm trees no leaves on the bottom please

    i transplanted into pots and a few of my plants lost its bottom leaves and they arent coming back r they ok? what do i do