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    First time grow Using CFL's! Check it out, not really sure whats going on??

    Yes your tallest plant has already entered flowering somehow, perhaps it was an auto strain? Either way its a male. What you see are male pollen sacs that open up into flowers and can pollinate your entire grow, some of those flowers have already opened. One thing is certain you should remove or...

    First ever indoor grow using 90 watt quad band ufo led lifgt and 3 23 watt cfl's

    CFLs should be no more than 8 inches from the plants in my opinion. Not so sure about the LED, it all depends on how hot it gets. Either way it should be as close to them as possible keep in mind without burning them.

    1st Grow- Northern Lights & Jock Horror

    damn son looks good! got a smaller but similar grow goin myself, merry growing.

    what happen.? (PICS)

    well did your cousin water the leaves with the nutes or regular water?

    First Time Grower 3 1/2 weeks W/pics, Let me know what you think!

    Good call I just pruned my plants and topped one of them. Now just to wait a week or so and see how it goes!

    Train wreck first time growing helppppppp

    For every 25 watts used on 24/7 by a CFL you use 18 KWH per month. Kilowatt hours(KWH) is what electric companies use to measure energy usage. I'm not sure about the 400 hps but for your CFLs find out how many watts total you will be using then multiply that by 18 kilowatt hours for every 25...

    First Time Grower 3 1/2 weeks W/pics, Let me know what you think!

    Alright then how do i go about doing that?

    First Time Grower 3 1/2 weeks W/pics, Let me know what you think!

    I've already got like 5 y splitters from my local home depot and a set of nutrients I purchased at an indoor garden store. But the bud hardener, where might I find some of that goodness?

    First Time Grower 3 1/2 weeks W/pics, Let me know what you think!

    Good to know thanks Stern. Update coming in a few days!

    First Time Grower 3 1/2 weeks W/pics, Let me know what you think!

    Thanks guys I'll adjust those right now. I do have a fan on them its just outside the closet blowing on them for about 16 to 18 hours a day. do you think this going to be good enough for air circulation and stem growth? Or would I be better off with a smaller fan inside the closet?

    First Time Grower 3 1/2 weeks W/pics, Let me know what you think!

    Hey everybody this is my first grow and everything is going pretty well so far. But of course as a 'noob' I'm bound to make mistakes and already have. Here is my setup. I have one 42 watt and four 26 watt 6500K CFLs spread out over 3 plants. In addition I have two more 42 watt 2700K CFLs on...

    Do I need to Fertilize?

    Hey guys I'm new to growing and need some advice. So I had three seeds germ'd and planted indoors about five days ago. I'm using a fluorecent bulb 100 watts in colab with direct sunlight watering them everyday lightly in a 1 gal pot. I've had the most success with one of plants, growing about...