1st Grow- Northern Lights & Jock Horror


Active Member
Being my first grow, my aim is to keep it simple until i figure out the best method for my madness. After all the searching through RIU ive decided to base my first grow on the BUDS FOR LESS book. I know i might(probably) not get a great yield because of no added nutes, but it doesnt hurt to try...and if it goes good itll save me a few $. My overall goal is a small perpetual indoor garden producing its goodness @ every 2 months. I went with less expensive and easy growing seeds for my first grow because i really dont want to be too disappointed the first go round.


GROWING AREA... 4x6x8 closet

veg...ea. plant has at least 75watts, 5k and 65k
flw...ea. will have at least 100watts, 27k

VENTS...atm have 3 fans with door open( ceiling fan in room, small fan pointed at ceiling in closet to circulate, and oscillating fan on plants). I bought cheap "fart fan" to install in the ceiling so i can close the door for flowering(and so i can sleep better) which i will eventually need to attach a filter to or come up with some other way to control the fragrances. At night i put the small fan outside the closet blowing air under door into room and barely shut the door so heat can escape.

daytime temps: 82-85f
nighttime temps: 80f

Soil...MG potting soil with continuous release ferts(low ph)

H2O...all water is ph'd to give me an overall H2O/soil ph of @ 6.3
germ'd in 6.3
first 7 days...7.2

Here are my kids at 8 days of age......

100_2195.jpg 100_2190.jpg100_2189.jpg


within the week i will be turning the underneath portion of the bench into the veg space. Im gonna go with cfl bulbs for time being but will eventually get a 4' HO T-5 to go under there. and i imagine in the future i'll want to go with an HPS...but not sure of the wattage.

Thanks for checking out my grow and i am definately open to advice or suggestions.....will post back soon....peace!:joint:


Active Member
much appreciated. oh yeah i forgot to mention which one is which. the black pots are jock horror and the white and blue are the northern lights. i tried to germ a couple royal flush seeds but they crapped out. prob good tho cause i dont think im ready for more than 4 at a time.


Active Member
very nice,
are they 8 days from seed or 8 days from popping through the soil?

just for interest sake how much water do you give them and how often as those pots look pretty big from the pic......

good work


Active Member
very nice,
are they 8 days from seed or 8 days from popping through the soil?

just for interest sake how much water do you give them and how often as those pots look pretty big from the pic......

good work
thanks....i start count when they fully push thru
3 pots are only 2gallon and the blue one is 3
ive only watered twice since first putting in soil, and no more than a cup right around the base(to encourage downward root growth). tommorrow theyll get full water everywhere but base of plant(to encourage outward root growth)

im vegging 24hrs and they are about halfway towards being flowered. im only going for about 5" growth in veg phase so as not to create a beast thats too hard to apply proper lighting too. peace!


I'm in for the ride. :)

Hey in the 5th picture - that 'double dual' bulbs fixture is GENIUS!
That IS the best CFL combo and location I have seen.

I guess Home Depot..?

How much did they cost you son!


lol nothing personal! that's just how we talk here :mrgreen:
And could you answer my question, please?
That is a pretty clever way to put two doubles. I would like to do that as well thanks to you.


Active Member
lol nothing personal! that's just how we talk here :mrgreen:
And could you answer my question, please?
That is a pretty clever way to put two doubles. I would like to do that as well thanks to you.
nah, i didnt take it personaly...but whats funny is in person i do look young and for many years people always said that to me. used to piss me off. now i embrace my youthful looks cause im gettin up there.
on the lights....everything came from home depot, i built the set up myself. i got 3 of set up as trips, but when i flower and they get a little bigger ill turn em into quads. the setup itself is real simple to make and whats cool is ive got extras to attach that will give me some side lighting. but thats a few weeks off.....peace!


Active Member
Day 10-

complete watering with 6.8 H2O evenly around the plants. 3 of em are exploding with growth but 1 jh is a bit stunted. not too worried cuz its a sativa and it should blow up when i change the light cycle. question for someone more experienced....notice the leaf or two on the NL in the white bucket has started turing up....light too close or temps. my guess is lights too close cuz temps dont get over 85F and ive got good vents. ive already raised the light 1", but am up for suggestions. other than that they look happy happy happy(must be the music i play for em!). Peace!


Your plants are looking great Killer. I think raising the lights was a good idea... or atleast I would have done the same thing. How far above them are they now?
And yes, that sativa may look short and stunted, but once those lights change she will explode.


Well-Known Member
If you want to see the Jock's when they flower, check out my journal w. updated bud porn from today. The Jock Horror is awesome and will be ready to harvest in about 90 days from seed. I had mine under a 400w HPS light for the whole grow and flipped to 12/12 in spite of the autoflowering genetics. I'm looking forward to smoking them. :) Good luck on your grow.


Active Member
mmmmm......those buds look delicious. mine arent auto's and im flowering with cfl's atm, so i know they wont look like yours but i should harvest some decent bud. i want a hps system but not sure which wattage to get. would a 400w hps be too much for a 4x6x8 closet?


Active Member
day 12...

still growin good, they loved the watering...reaching over the edges on 2 of em. @ 4 days till i switch em so i put the stunted jock, ha, new name, stunt jock...anyway, i put it under the stronger cfl(85w) to try and catch it up a bit.

on a higher note i scored some white widow last night....well thats what i was told by my friend, and ive been in a haze since. i CAN positively say that i have not accomplished a effin thing today. so whatever the hell it is ...........what was i sayin? peace........


Active Member
day 13.....

ive decided to all but give up on the stunt jock and focus my efforts on the 3 remaining beautys. maybe ill flower it out with the others to see what itll do...but i feel like id be wasting $ and bulbs if i continue with it. gonna fully water late tonight and after that itll probably be only a day or two before i switch to flower. each has at least 5 nodes and they all have good secondary growth so i will be taking clones a week or two into flowering. keeping my fingers crossed that all 3 are girls....i like my chances...theyre short and very stout...good sign i hear. i am soooo ready to see some buds.....peace!



Active Member
so theyve hads their 1st 12hrs of sleep since they hatched(15 days) and they seemed to have liked it. noticable growth up and out. will have more when i can post pics.

note to self: get camera from sis
