Search results

  1. 2

    The Medical Marijuana Strain Search Engine!

    Was cruisin and they have this strain search engine on the main page - Pretty nutty. Its like this live data feed of strains available at medical marijuana dispensaries in CA and CO
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    A Dispensary Meny DATABASE!

    BUMP!! This is so rad! - Talk about budshot galore!
  3. 2

    Can someone help me with dispensaries in colorado springs

    I am a MMJ patient in Socal - Check out - Found this site last night and started another thread about it. They have a bunch of CO dispensaries listed with directions, pictures, descriptions and prices of available meds.
  4. 2

    Medical Marijuana Strain Reviews

    No kidding, ive had some fun on this site browsing around. I am a MMJ patient so talk about making my life easier. I know what I am getting into before I leave the more being burned by a trip to the clinic only to find crappy meds that week. A lot of the dispensaries have been...
  5. 2

    Medical Marijuana Strain Reviews

    Found this tonight during a long session of stoned surfinf...Pretty cool strain reviews out of CA for medical patients.
  6. 2

    A Dispensary Meny DATABASE!

    Check it out!!!! I was doing my usual stoned surfing and between greedtracker and canorml I saw that is putting up Menus with pics and prices.... Totally sick if you are in Socal or Colorado, and pretty damn entertaining if youre anywhere else
  7. 2

    Cannibis Dispensary In Colorado?

    Find Colorado COops on - They have menus up too
  8. 2

    How Do I Go About Getting A Cannabis License? [CA]

    Has anyone checked out I heard this site on the radio last night and they have a link to get a doctors rec if you live in CA. Seems pretty legit.
  9. 2

    Blueberry Grow...too short for 3 weeks veg? PICS

    You will have better results with 18/6 lighting. Plants in general NEED that dark period. After a couple of days on this schedule you will actually find it helps accelerate your growth rather than slowing it. I would also cut back on your watering, as she looks a little droopy. Less is more...
  10. 2

    Frozen Plant

    BUMP bump bump
  11. 2

    Frozen Plant

    Direct cold air on plant pot = wilting? the intake fan (blows air in during 12 hours on at 65 degrees.) was pointed directly at the pot of one of the girls. 1 gal pot, week 1 into flowering. The rest of the girls are healthy top models, except the one that got her pot direct air cooled all...
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    Hydrohut Fell Over!

    Also, I appreciate any response given but buying a cool tube or any additional light is not an option right now, can i make this work with my current light?
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    Hydrohut Fell Over!

    Which is exactly what i DONT want to happen.. QUESTION-How stable/strong are the top bars to hang a grow light from in something like a Hydrohut or Grow Tent? Do some tents use steel bars and others PVC? Who makes a heavy duty tent? I am running a 250watt Sun System Econo Grow Mini. its all...
  14. 2

    Seedling HELP.

    Greetings, 1 Gal Pot - Seedling watering schedule? I currently have 2 little sprouts going, each of them rested in super soil in their own 1 gallon container. They live under 3 65watt Flourex Floods and have 4 26 watt CFLs surrounding the area... My question is now that the little ones are up...