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  1. O

    busted by the parents

    what is wrong with todays youth...
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    "organic" water?

    my brother and i were arguing about watering an organic grow... he says that you have to use special water or some shit and not tap water for it to be organic... i saw nothing about this in the faq. is my grow organic if im using tap water?
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    Hps vs Mh

    i recall jorge saying something about mh and hps in this months high times. he recomended switching to an mh for the last week or so of flowering to increase potency since mh lights give off more uvb light. so is this true or not? im sure alot of people on this board have more experience than...
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    should i transplant?

    yeah i know, theres been soo much stretch since i started flower. the problem is i am really tight on space, so a bigger pot might put her too close to the lights. she's in like a 2 gallon right now, i was hoping i wouldnt have to transplant again cuz its a fast flowering strain, site said 6...
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    should i transplant?

    its not new... she's about a month and a half old.
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    should i transplant?

    hey, its my first grow and i just finished the first week of flower. little tiny roots (like tap root size) are visible starting to poke through the drainage holes. not many tho, like 1 per hole (there are 4 plus one on the bottom). should i transplant or should i just let it get root bound? im...
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    where can i get, some of this hammerhead Nut.

    sorry to bring this back on subject but is this hammerhead stuff really worth the dough? im growing for the first time and ive only bough veg nutrients so far because they were on sale. is it worth buying (or buying any ridiculously expensive nutes) for a first grow?
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    light burning plants?

    well i dont have a camera. im pretty sure its not a nute deficency cuz im using fox farm ocean forest and its only a seedling... i dont want to add shit this early on, and the ph is fine. the leaves arent like yellow, its definitely a brown color.
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    light burning plants?

    high all, first time grower here. im just messing around with growing pot, i have one seedling i am training myself on right now. i have it under 3 23 watt cfls, one warm white, the other 2 cool. is this too much light for one seedling? i noticed the tips of the first leaves are looking burnt...