busted by the parents


Active Member
so ive been home sick this week and today i thought i would check on my plants (in my attic) so i go up there to check on them and the trap door is open... with almost nothing left in my grow room.... she even killed my green bean and mint plants :cuss: .. so freaking out i went down to my room and everything in my room was jacked. my piece, pipes, empty bottles of alcohol from a long time ago, my digital camera i was using for my grow journal, even some lingerie i bought for the girlfriend. all of this happened while i was at the hospital with my dad.

im very sure my dad doesn't know yet. but my mom wont talk to me and is pissed off at the rest of my family.. :/ i kinda wish she would just talk to me about it before getting pissed off at everyone else.

funny thing though, it appears she searched EVERYWHERE in my room. the one thing she missed was the bag of weed and bright pink lighter right next to my bong...

just more reasons why you shouldn't grow in your parents house :/


Well-Known Member
Lol this is whyyyyyyyy growing is not for kids ;) i grow in my private bathroom and my mother dont give a shit (18 btw , you? )


Well-Known Member
was it worth poss losing the respect and trust your mom had for you?
Not to mention .ITS HER house . I think it was a dumb thing to do to start with .


Active Member

i dont think my mom really cares that much (she was a hippy) i just feel bad cuz i dont think she expected me to be into stuff like that.


Well-Known Member
well into stuff like i told her i want to smoke less toxic weed and save money ( btw i dont smoke toxic , its just an excuse ) annnnnnnd my grand mother agreed with me so :) she cant realy say her mother is rong ehehe


Well-Known Member
ya thats wat im duing in 1 month , but im not gonna bother with soil , pots m lights ballast and all that shit . My cuzin has this contact to get growing machines for 1500$ instead of 4000$ u can make about 4-6 pounds avery 60 days , gives u like 200 plants of 6-9 grams , somthing like pogo sticks :)


Well-Known Member
Wat i ment as in ( kids ) is the way u get treated , u think my mother would start going nuts and not talking to my family if she found out i gro ? no she alredy knows :)Do i hide to smoke joints ? No my room is like a living hot box so i guesse im not getting controled like a kid


Well-Known Member
Wat i ment as in ( kids ) is the way u get treated , u think my mother would start going nuts and not talking to my family if she found out i gro ? no she alredy knows :)Do i hide to smoke joints ? No my room is like a living hot box so i guesse im not getting controled like a kid
That doesn't mean your not a kid. That just means that your mom isn't a bitch.


Active Member
my rents started finding buds and pipes in my room since i was 15 and instead of throwing it all away they locked it up in a cabinet to give back after i turned 18. It was a special momment when i stumbled upon all my old glass and like 6 bags of buds.