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  1. seebas

    Need some confirmation

    just out of curiosity, am i correct when I say, "Male plants do not pollinate in 18/6 light period...they only pollinate at 12/12 or flowering stage"
  2. seebas

    Need some confirmation

    Thanks for the info you have any idea what causes a strain to do this?
  3. seebas

    Need some confirmation

    im talking about these lil bastards...never had these guys before.
  4. seebas

    Need some confirmation

    Are you absolutely sure? Im in 18/6 right now and i do not want to risk pollinating my this normal preflowers? these lil "sacs" located at the nodes (where stem meets the trunk) look like seed sacs... sorry for the question...just dont want to risk polination nor do i want to cut...
  5. seebas

    Need some confirmation

    Please see the pics below and see if I am correct that I have some males in my garden...I noticed there were 3 girls that looked odd...after another week i saw these little things growing out of there nodes...I came to the conclusion that these bastards were male. Can you guys please confirm...
  6. seebas

    ***NEED SOME ADVICE*** curling leaves and slight twisting

    anyone else want to take a shot?
  7. seebas

    ***NEED SOME ADVICE*** curling leaves and slight twisting

    The temp and humidity are on check...76-78 and 56%, respectively. I'm just scratching me head on this one fellas. I raised the lights and turned off a few banks from my t5. Is there such a thing as too much light?
  8. seebas

    ***NEED SOME ADVICE*** curling leaves and slight twisting

    That's the thing the only nutes in the reservoir is cal mag...that's why I don't know what is going on
  9. seebas

    ***NEED SOME ADVICE*** curling leaves and slight twisting

    I need some help fellas...I picked up some clones and transplanted them into their new home 5 days ago. Prior to transplanting them, they were healthy and full of life. Please take a look at the pictures and give me any insight what may be the problem. Here is a brief background: Strain: Lemon...
  10. seebas

    please help!!!

    Thanks ffor the reply braddas...I figured it was the high ppm. I just never thought that since I topped off my reservoir everyday that the first initial ppm of my feed cycle of the week would kill the rest of the week. I factored a few things and will be cutting everything (micro and macro) by...
  11. seebas

    please help!!!

    Whats good braddas. Please help me diagnose my issue...the leaves seem to be folding downward (see pic) my ppm and ph have been on lock with a House and Garden feed schedule with some manipulations. All my other girls are doing fine except two of them (sour grape strain) quick stats: medium...
  12. seebas

    Help!!! My babies are twisting!!!

    Girls are looking great. they snapped back and looking beautiful again ;-) Thanks for all the advice my bros ps. attached are pics of the revived girls AND the other girls i got going ;) Lemon OG, Pre98 bubba and Master OG
  13. seebas

    Help!!! My babies are twisting!!!

    i feel you on that bro.
  14. seebas

    Help!!! My babies are twisting!!!

    HAHAH!! yeahup. maybe hed grow some common sense
  15. seebas

    Help!!! My babies are twisting!!!

    its only been day 4...and they are bouncing back. and as far as the yellowing girls, ive foliar sprayed them with some cal-magic + spray and grow and they are getting greener by the day and as far as the roommate issue, lets just say hes gonna be fully-sponsoring me for me for my next round...
  16. seebas

    leaves edges are curling up? first time grower

    curling up ususally means high temps...where are you on temp? light distance? air circulation, etc...
  17. seebas

    Spider mites 2 weeks from flower!

    you can use mitey wash...if those lil pricks tented over the buds, spray this immediately...for those that have criticisms about doing this, the wash is 99% water...i used this 3 days before cutting and the girls smelled heavenly and STILL smoked amazing. 2 weeks from harvest, your gtg with...
  18. seebas

    Help!!! My babies are twisting!!!

    UPDATE: Girls are starting to snap back..still have some twisting and folding thoough on some sites. I dont know if they were over watered or its cuz of the micronute def....or even both. Whatever it is, they are starting to come back. on that note, i never knew that rockwool cubes could...
  19. seebas

    Help!!! My babies are twisting!!!

    no shit.:sad:
  20. seebas

    Help!!! My babies are twisting!!!

    bought some spray and grow and cal magic...foliar spray with a EOD schedule. will keep you guys posted. also reduced main feeding regime to once a day for 5mins.