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  1. Youngmula420

    Is Miracle-Gro Plant Food okay to use?

    im not sure on the soil actually, but i might as well try it haha.
  2. Youngmula420

    Is Miracle-Gro Plant Food okay to use?

    it is concentrated 15-30-15. is this plant food okay to use during flowering stage?
  3. Youngmula420

    My first outdoor grow

    okay i will, thanks a lot, what nutes do you reccommend?
  4. Youngmula420

    thanks dude, do you have any of your own that i could see?

    thanks dude, do you have any of your own that i could see?
  5. Youngmula420

    My first outdoor grow

    Hello anyone reading this post, I just wanted to ask what is with the blackness forming around the budlings? also, are there any nutrients I could use to help this plant grow more successfully? Thanks for the Help!!
  6. Youngmula420

    Flowering Stage

    So first off I'd like to say my medical plants have finally started flowering.(budding). And I would like to know a few things to help fertilize and and help the plant grow to its fullest extent.
  7. Youngmula420

    Flowering Fertilizer

    that really answered his question, im sure of it.
  8. Youngmula420

    First Indoor Grow, help?

    So I want to grow indoors but there are a few complications. 1, i dont know what kind of lamp to use. 2, what kind of soil to make it dank as fuck. 3, where to get the lamp. and how to keep bugs and shit away.:spew:
  9. Youngmula420

    What is wrong with my baby girls?!

    so if i mix dishsoap and water in a little spray bottle and spray the leaves, then clean with water, then repeat until they are gone? it should work?
  10. Youngmula420

    What is wrong with my baby girls?!

    is there anything such as househould cleaning things i could use without killing the plant?
  11. Youngmula420

    What is wrong with my baby girls?!

    how can i save them lol
  12. Youngmula420

    What is wrong with my baby girls?!

    thanks for the help.
  13. Youngmula420

    What is wrong with my baby girls?!

    some leaves have white spots, and some stems are reddish purple. can anyone please comment to help me with my growing processes. THANKS SO MUCH!:eyesmoke: and (the plants/leaves in the back are irrelevant.)