What is wrong with my baby girls?!

some leaves have white spots, and some stems are reddish purple. can anyone please comment to help me with my growing processes. THANKS SO MUCH!:eyesmoke:

(the plants/leaves in the back are irrelevant.)


Well-Known Member
does it wipe off? if not it could be stippling from spider mites,if it does could be something you may have sprayed on the plant, foliar spray? or if its real humid mabey botrytis, bud mold, but looks most like spider mites to me, get some neem oil product and spray underside of leaves and hole plant


Well-Known Member
spray with neem oil everyday for a few days and spray down with water kinda vigorously then neem oil again should help a bit
so if i mix dishsoap and water in a little spray bottle and spray the leaves, then clean with water, then repeat until they are gone? it should work?