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    Fuck i missed!!!!!

    Serapis i just read your journal man you are very meticulous which is a great thing but now you got me worried about the heat and the amount of power I'm using 2 600 watt hps/mh combo and a 424 cfm scrubber. But I'm going threw with it anyway. So prune 3 times a life cycle fim after 3-5 nodes...
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    Fuck i missed!!!!!

    That sound very informative mr. Gunja I personally will prune about 50% of the little leaves and all of the bottom leaves but will leave the big fan leaves just in case. Also how often do you think I need to prune? and is it safe to prune in flowering period?
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    Fuck i missed!!!!!

    I have read that you should start fimming when there are 4 nodes in veg state, also how would you know your plant have recovered from the first fim so you could fim again. Oh and after doing some reading I will not cut the fan leaves allot of ppl are opposed to doing that and I follow experience...
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    Fuck i missed!!!!!

    :?:Ok I did allot of research and came up with the method I would like to use that method is fim I hear good things about that method but I have a couple of questions that I couldn’t find online so I figured I could def get the answers I need on RIU. 1. When do I fim and how often for example...
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    Is that true?

    I have just read the journal it was fucking amazing this guy minitrees did everything to the T but I am using hydro and he was using soil so I don't see how that could help me plus I think my grow room is better. Here is the layout: Space 6x6x8, a 600 watt mh and hps light, 2 florescent (1 cool...
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    Is that true?

    Alright dude now that sounds good 1 pound per 4-5 plants sound very good. What is the name of the thread so I could read it. Oh by the way I am sorry for sounding dumb I'm just new to this. I'm very thankful for your response thx again.
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    Is that true?

    How much would 20 fem white widow seeds under 600 watt mh and hps light yield?
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    Is that true?

    300 plants X 500 per square meter= is like 330 pounds. Only 6 pounds out of 300 plants wow!!!
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    Is that true?

    But I thought that the plants need room so the leaves could breath. Wouldn't that method harm the plants if all of them are that tight together.
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    Is that true?

    So its true then i thought they were lying. But What is a sea of green method?
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    Is that true?

    I was researching some seed banks online and noticed that they claim that some seeds such as the fem white widow seeds could yeild up to like 550 grams per squar meter(m^2) is that true IF NOT then how much can a fem white widow plant yield? IF SO that would mean the plant could yeild 500 per...
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    Drip nozel / drip irrigation

    i tried getting a long tube and poking holes into it and pluging the holes up with seperate drippes but only about 4 out of 10 drippers started dripping im kinda lost on what to do next please help. thanx
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    Drip nozel / drip irrigation

    do i have to use a drip method for veg state? Is there anyway to bypass a drip nozel in veg state? Is there a way to make a homemade drip nozel?
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    Ahhhhh i can't go to sleep!!!!

    My lights and osculating fan are on during the day that's cool I even don't mind that noise it's the carbon scrubber (CFM FAN) that's the problem it's on 24/7 to kill the sweet Oder but it's tooooooo noisy it kills me at night. So I'm guessing there is no solution for that problem I just have...
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    Ahhhhh i can't go to sleep!!!!

    I tried ear plugs and I couldn't hear my alarm clock so I could get up and go to work. Oh and mr. Ganja you are so crazy I rather have them hear da noise (cause I bet they hear that loud ass shit) then have them smell it and call the cops for the smell they could call them for the noise I'm fine...
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    Ahhhhh i can't go to sleep!!!!

    Please for the love of god do anyone know how to mute or make the damn scrubber fan less noisy? It's driving me crazy it's 424 CFM or something. It's in the damn closet with the door shut and still I could hear it, it sounds like someone is drilling in my ears all night and I can't go to...
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    Ways To Increase Yield?

    To all you experienced sweet tomato growers out there what are the best ways to increase yield based on actual experience not hear say :eyesmoke:
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    Would it work the same?

    thanx researchkitty so its cool if no exhuast
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    Would it work the same?

    i hope so cause the CO2 will get dumped outside if i exhaust the scrubber so its mind boggling im kind of nervous eather i exhaust the scrubber and lose all of the CO2 or dont exhaust the scrubber and it might become useless and the smell will take over does anybody have any exp on this topic...
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    Would it work the same?

    Would the scrubber work the same if I run it without an exhaust? for example if I just hang it up and turn it on. or do I have to have the air getting dumped outside threw an exhaust pipe of some sort?