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  1. SoMuchWeed

    lightshows anyone else do lightshows? also, tell me what you think of mine ? :]
  2. SoMuchWeed

    First time grow 2 weeks into flowering(with pics)

    lol can't say this isnt true :]. i cant believe how cute these are turning out.
  3. SoMuchWeed

    beta fish

    no replies? :[
  4. SoMuchWeed

    beta fish

    ive always seen those plants in water, with a fish in there, would this work for weed?
  5. SoMuchWeed

    Pure MDMA (Molly)

    nah, all the molly here is fresh and makes me roll harrdd. a good indicator is if it tastes terrible. if it tastes okay, its prob bunk.
  6. SoMuchWeed

    LSD at EDC.

    Hippieflip or Candy flip?
  7. SoMuchWeed

    plant needs help!!!

    just put some normal cfls on there. They're cheap and everywhere. Works great for growing. Check out the CFL growing forum in the indoor section. Happy Growing :]
  8. SoMuchWeed

    Fruit flys from miracle grow ?

    I was worried about these too, we got them from miracle grow too i guess, but if they arent bad for the plants, i dont really care.
  9. SoMuchWeed

    Spider mite eggs or..?

    Those might be little nutrient things. Do you use Miracle Grow soil? My friend was popping those things we found in Miracle Grow and it burned the plants a little in spots. I thought they were little eggs before i realized. Try to get a picture
  10. SoMuchWeed

    Everyone loves

    Everyone loves spending plenty of hours on the computer, high, watching youtube videos, listening to music and browsing RIU :]. Ahh, living the life.
  11. SoMuchWeed

    Rep your state!!

    Wisconsin! Whoooo!
  12. SoMuchWeed

    Watch Me Hit a bong in slow motion

    lol, i do that all the time, but i really hate shwag. Shit doesnt smell taste or look good. :O. We have name brand here, but its unreliable also. Some of it is clearly legit though, ive seen some CRAZY buds lol.
  13. SoMuchWeed

    LSD at EDC.

    Rollin at shows is always tight, but ive never done acid. I think trippin at a concert would be wayy too intense, unless its like gwar or something like that lol.
  14. SoMuchWeed


    Damn, Outdoor grows seem so tight, but yeah, usually its just waiting and being patient, a month is still a baby. But post up some pics of em :].
  15. SoMuchWeed

    Tool is cool

    OF COURSE tool is cool. Everyone loves tool, they're amazing :]
  16. SoMuchWeed

    This is Elevator Musik

    That song is real tight. Currensy is straight, but this song would be better with someone like Cassidy spittin over it.
  17. SoMuchWeed

    Are the seeds good

    eh, you could get lucky. Germinate and find out. ive seen some crazy buds come from bagseed.
  18. SoMuchWeed

    3 600w's - Super Grape Ape....and WoW

    These are super nice looking. Quite excited to see those results.
  19. SoMuchWeed

    MY NEW CLONE.bluedream

    I had some blue dream a while back, when i smoked it my friends mom flipped out saying it smelled like rotting flesh lol. We hit it like twice and she smelt it. lol
  20. SoMuchWeed

    1st grow, 1st plant, 11th week hybrid

    those look really good for a first time grow.. way to go, now send me some :D lol.